Report from a recent HPC Carpentry workshop at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
Most of the content on the three lesson programs' websites will now be accessed from the main Carpentries website.
Discussing the current state and potential future applications of the Citation File Format for lessons
Project teaching high-performance computing skills takes another step towards joining The Carpentries
The redesigned version of the lesson becomes official curriculum today.
Here's what I learned over the last six months speaking with our community.
Introducing Python Intro for Libraries, an updated lesson designed to introduce Python and reproducible workflows for library data analysis.
A draft programme has also been updated for the November community event in Germany.
26 new Lesson Maintainers badged
Explore the newly approved Data Management Plan Course for Librarians--empowering information professionals to support research data management effectively.
Supporting peer review of lessons from the community
Do you want to teach others to develop skills and confidence as Carpentries Instructors? Become an Instructor Trainer!
Keynote speakers, Inclusivity tickets, and Provisional programme announced for BioNT Community Event & CarpentryConnect Heidelberg 2024
An overview of the current state of the Ukrainian language localisation project initiated in 2022.
Meet the team and read about their goals for the year
Get Maintaing Without Leaving VS Code
The Annual Report, which incorporates the Financial Report, for the 2023 year is now available.
The Carpentries has decided to postpone CarpentryCon in 2025 until our transition to operating as an independent non-profit organisation is complete and our finances stabilised.
Join the first AU-Aotearoa CarpentryConnect in May 2024. Submissions close 22 April.
The redesigned lesson will replace the existing version in the curriculum in July.
Discover how a global code sprint is driving the evolution of AI education in libraries and shaping the future of the GLAM community.
The Carpentries is preparing to onboard the next round of Maintainers. Applications due 5 April.
The three lesson programs' blog posts have been merged into The Carpentries blog
In response to recent changes to The Carpentries Core Team, the Software Carpentry LPGC announces changes to their workflow and governance.
The report summarising community members’ responses to the inaugural Carpentries community survey is out!
A peer-reviewed lesson, based on 2017 paper of the same name, has been added to The Carpentries Lab
Submit your session proposals for CarpentryConnect and BioNT Community Event - Heidelberg 2024!
How you can help us continue to support open peer review of lessons.
Let's celebrate diversity and break language barriers.
In a significant move towards autonomy, The Carpentries streamlines its governance structure to benefit our global community.
The Core Team announces which services to the community it will continue to support and which initiatives will continue through community-led support.
Meet our team of nine at The Carpentries and learn how they will continue to support you.
Announcing a community event in Heidelberg, Germany, 12-14 November 2024.
You're invited to a code sprint for the Intro to AI for GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums) Library Carpentry Lesson on January 31, 2024!
Support for Glosario, The Carpentries’ open-source, multilingual glossary for computing terms
Join us in celebrating the legacy and impact of the Core Team members who transitioned out of The Carpentries
Four community members were elected to serve a three-year term on The Carpentries Board of Directors
A tree does not move unless there is wind. - African Proverb
Ethan White shares his journey at The Carpentries on our 25th Anniversary
Introducing Version 2.0
Our community is resilient and can come together during challenging moments.
How my time and financial contributions support our community and the organisation’s mission
Updates to instructor view, doi badges, and more
Help shape The Carpentries -- Information about Community Elections for the Board of Directors
Carpentries Community Session Recap
Announcing our new Maintainer Community Lead
Announcing The Carpentries departure from X (formerly known as Twitter) and Facebook
A deeper look at the content of the new training program and the people who will be teaching it
Announcing the launch of a new Carpentries training program!
The Carpentries outlines its community's efforts in localisation.
Phasing out the Regional Coordinator role
Recently badged Carpentries Instructor and Maintainer, Jean Baptiste Fankam Fankam, shares his journey at The Carpentries on our 25th Anniversary
Nominations are now open for community-elected positions.
We are looking for the next Maintainer Community Lead!
The Carpentries is planning our transition to operate as an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organisation
NeSI celebrates being a Carpentries champion on our 25th Anniversary
Reflections from the community on our new lesson infrastructure
Starting 14 August, 2023 (today!), there are more options available for trainees to complete the process of certifying as a Carpentries Instructor!
Instructor, Lesson Maintainer, and Regional Coordinator for Australia, Damien Irving, shares his journey with The Carpentries.
Piloting Meal Reimbursements for Instructors teaching online Centrally-Organised Workshops.
The Carpentries is announcing a call for Web Development Services.
Help provide leadership for Data Carpentry’s Genomics curriculum. Apply by 21 August
Meet the people joining our community to teach Instructor Training!
Current Executive Council member, Jannetta Steyn, shares her journey with The Carpentries.
The Carpentries turns 25 Years! #Carpentries25
Trialing a reimagined version of the popular Data Carpentry lesson: Data Analysis and Visualization in R for Ecologists.
Join us in sharing the contributions and impact the community has made over the years.
The Financial and Annual Reports for the 2022 Year are Now Available
Transitioning and Adapting to New Challenges
Join members of The Carpentries Executive Council to discuss outcomes from the Q2 meeting
The Carpentries welcomes Oscar Masinyana, Communications Manager
Community leaders who will guide project strategy for Data Carpentry, Library Carpentry, and Software Carpentry
Everything you need to get involved and make Carpentries lessons easier to teach.
EC members reflect on how to best support The Carpentries as a multicultural organisation by expanding our thinking and discussing power and privilege.
It was helpful that we had booked a lab in a building which has a backup generator
Nineteen new Lesson Maintainers badged
Introducing New Community Programming Offerings
Community recognition and appreciation, automation, lesson development training, and improved accessibility. Progress towards The Carpentries Strategic Plan for 2020-2025
A community-wide event to update, expand, and improve guidance provided to Instructors in lessons
Final preparations are underway
Prepare for transition to The Workbench in May
A peer-reviewed Metagenomics curriculum has been added to The Carpentries Lab
Join members of The Carpentries Executive Council to discuss outcomes from the Q1 meeting
Meet the representatives making decisions for our Instructor Trainer community in 2023
A look back at styles
Calling ALL Instructors, Experienced Instructors and New Instructors
The Carpentries develops an Accessibility Statement!
Upcoming changes to professional development and community building offerings
Read about our plans to improve Instructor onboarding and make it easier to teach our curricula.
The Carpentries is preparing to onboard the next cohort of Maintainers. Applications due March 8th.
Stage 2 of the Beta Phase is Underway
Get certified to teach Instructor Training with The Carpentries!
Updates on the Community Development Program
Announcing the stable release of a new curriculum teaching image processing skills. Sign up to host a workshop today!
The Carpentries welcomes Eli Chadwick, Information Technology Developer
Applicants in Mexico, Central America, South America and Southern Africa will receive priority consideration.
Guide the development of Software Carpentry, Library Carpentry, or Data Carpentry
Talisha takes up leadership of the Business Team & Membership Program
Beta Phase to enter stage 2 in February
Results from the Library Carpentry survey
Announcing a bittersweet transition for our friend and colleague
The Carpentries welcomes Rob Davey, Director of Technology
Welcome to 2023 at The Carpentries - A year dedicated to prioritising community health
Join us in welcoming the newly elected Executive Council members!
Ode to Maintainers
Lessons for Librarians in Open Science Principles and Methods
Updates on the The CarpentriesOffline project
The Intro to IoT lesson is available in the Carpentries Incubator and uses the new Carpentries Workbench.
The beta stage is extending deadlines
The ARDC’s Liz Stokes spoke to Carpentries workshop instructors and helpers about their reflections on running a workshop on data and software skills with ACEAS scientists.
With support from the community, we added alt text to 55 images across our lessons.
Help shape The Carpentries – Information about Community Elections for the Executive Council
Reenvisioning how we show community appreciation
Strengthening community leadership for Software, Library, and Data Carpentry
Dr. Kelly Barnes moves into Director of Assessment Role.
Minor Delays
A statement from the Community Development Team of The Carpentries
Help test and improve a lesson teaching visualisation with ggplot2
R for Social Scientists and R for Geospatial Data have entered the Beta Phase
R for Ecologists has entered the pre-beta stage
Dates for Beta Phase Announced
Maneesha Sane moves into Deputy Director of Technology Role.
Curriculum Advisors will guide the development of our lessons for Ecology, Image Processing, and Social Science.
Share your thoughts on the purpose, barriers, and how we can make it better.
Ya está abierto el llamado a candidaturas para los puestos elegidos por la comunidad y por el Consejo
Nominierungen für Mitglieder, die von der Gemeinde und vom Executive Council gewählt werden, sind möglich
Nominations are now open for community-elected and Council-elected positions
Accessibility at The Carpentries
Hello Again
In this blog post, the Executive Council Communications Committee highlights events and learnings from the annual Executive Council Retreat
CarpentryCon 2022 starts this week! Here are the Keynote Presentations to be ready for!
Applications received before 25 August at 11:59 PM (anywhere on earth) will receive full consideration.
Workbench Beta on Hold
This blog post is the first of a series to share progress of the CarpentriesOffline project
In this post, we reflect on Dr. François Michonneau’s time at The Carpentries on his last day
Seven new Lesson Maintainers badged
Applications received before 20 July at 11:59 PM (anywhere on earth) will receive full consideration.
Community Discussions Coming Up!
Curriculum Advisors provide high-level leadership for lessons. Apply by 22 July
Help test and improve a lesson teaching researchers skills for reproducible research.
Thirty new Lesson Maintainers badged
Working through chopportunities
The Carpentries welcomes Amanda Steele, Director of Fundraising
Announcing our new Maintainer Community Lead
Working through chopportunities
A strong start to the Beta Phase of The Carpentries Workbench
2021 Financial and Annual Reports Available - A retrospective on all things Carpentries
Host or teach a pilot workshop with a brand new Data Carpentry curriculum
We invite institutions serving underrepresented groups in Central and South America and in Southern Africa to apply for sponsored membership.
Meet the people guiding development of our Instructor Trainer community
Some of the projects Dan has been working on along with what's next for the Maintainer community
The Carpentries is preparing to onboard the next round of Maintainers. Applications due 26 May
Help the community test a new lesson on Deep Learning with Python.
Open Instructor Training is for individual applicants, now prioritised for interest in teaching Centrally-Organised workshops
Initial outline and plan for the Beta Phase of The Carpentries Workbench
Exploring Centrally-Organised workshops and how Instructors reap the benefits!
The Carpentries Community Development Program, efforts towards Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and more progress towards our five-year strategic plan!
Reporting period: August 2021 to January 2022 (inclusive)
The Carpentries welcomes Brynn Elliott, Accessibility Manager
Meet the amazing people helping to expand our global capacity for Instructor Training
Going forward, the Strategic Plan will be our focus. On 22 April 2022, the EIA Roadmap will be deprecated, but will be kept for historical reasons.
Help us test out a new training curriculum.
Interested in teaching skills at the intersection of data science and astronomy? Sign up for onboarding or to host a workshop today.
Get involved with a community lesson teaching intermediate research software development
King's College London Carpentries Instructor Team share their experience
The (Deputy) Director of Fundraising has a broad responsibility for the development and execution of The Carpentries fund development plan.
The new logo modification policy is the result of a cross-team working group that met in the second half of 2021
Next steps for the Community Development Program
The Carpentries will start publishing peer-reviewed lessons in The Carpentries Lab.
Updates to the Supporting Instructor role
New Curriculum Advisory Committees form to support Software Carpentry and three Data Carpentry curricula.
We announce the first draft of our accessible lesson infrastructure and call for beta testers
The journey from Workshop Administrator to Director of Workshops!
Applications received before 1 February at 11:59 PM (anywhere on earth) will receive full consideration.
We are updating Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions
Get involved in the community’s development of a new lesson to teach Jekyll and GitHub.
Learn more about the transition and how to be engaged
Our new pricing structure for workshops, Instructor Training, and memberships goes into effect today.
Grants, Gratitude, and #GreenStickies: Read on to learn about what The Carpentries will achieve in 2022
Recommendations from the task force on a values alignment due diligence process
We re-evaluate the historical role of the Lesson Infrastructure Community to understand how we can maintain community advocacy in our infrastructure
Please join us in welcoming the new and returning members of the EC.
Reporting period: February 2021 to July 2021 (inclusive)
The Pilot Phase is Ending for Online Workshops at The Carpentries. What comes next?
As part of the checkout process, community members translated more than 300 data science terms into Amharic.
We are taking time throughout December 2021 to reflect, write and share our community green stickies for the year.
The new version of the Instructor Training curriculum has been released
Do you want to teach others to develop skills and confidence as Carpentries Instructors? Become a Trainer!
The Carpentries is updating our pricing for the first time since 2016.
Upcoming Community Discussion will provide multiple ways to engage in next year’s event
Here is an overview of work towards The Carpentries 2020-2025 Strategic Plan for the third quarter of 2021
Help The Carpentries meet our goal during this end of the year fundraising campaign
Questions about Membership? Email
Help shape the Carpentries – Information about Community Elections
Read on to learn about our plans for next year’s CarpentryCon and how to volunteer to support
The Carpentries is piloting a sponsorship program for 2021-2022
A new program to build capacity in community management
Get involved in a Task Force on the official lesson publication process.
Please join us in welcoming Angelique to this new role
For the second year in a row, help us internationalise and expand Glosario, the open source, multilingual glossary of data science terms.
An estimated 300GB of mobile data was provided to 71 attendees.
Get involved in the community’s development of a new lesson on how to create interactive data visualizations in Python.
Nominations are now open for four Executive Council (EC) positions to join for two year terms 2022-2023 effective 1 February, 2022; two community-elected and two Council-elected
We have launched a GitHub Sponsorship page to fund revisions to several Carpentries lessons.
Curriculum Advisors provide high-level leadership for lessons. Apply by September 29
Eighteen new Lesson Maintainers badged
We are excited to release the first Instructor Training Report!
Our next Member Organisation Council meeting will be held 22 September at 15:00 and 23:00 UTC
The Carpentries is looking for members to join the newly reactivated Curriculum Advisory Committees
Get involved in the community’s development of a new lesson to teach Julia to novices.
Feedback is important for The Carpentries’ growth
CarpentryConnect South Africa is a significant milestone in our Strategic Plan for 2020-2025
Introducing Fourteen New Trainers
Read on to learn more about the context and responsibilities of the new Executive Council Standing Committees
Written by Carpentries community members, Research Software Engineering with Python covers several topics related to organising data science projects, testing software and more
The Carpentries Welcomes Alycia Crall, Director of Community
Highlighting this lesson from The Carpentries Incubator, teaching RNA-Seq data analysis with Bioconductor
Read on to learn about Carpentries Instructor Vini Salazar's work and accomplishments with regard to the Carpentries Python Curriculum
We are clarifying the roles and responsibilities of the Executive Council
Ensuring our redesign is friendly and usable for maintainers at all skill levels.
Highlighting a lesson beginning development in The Carpentries Incubator, Foundational Computer Skills.
The Carpentries has been awarded an 18-month grant to advance equitable outcomes in data literacy for Black, Latinx, and Indigenous researchers in the U.S.
Channels/resources available for recruiting Instructors
The Carpentries is preparing to onboard the next round of Maintainers. Applications due 16 July, 2021
The main goal of CarpentryConnect South Africa 2021 is to build capacity for workshops through instructor training, and establish a network for the regional Carpentries community.
Carpentries Director of Partnerships, Al Obayuwana, writes a post commemorating 100 Carpentries memberships
Serah Njambi Kiburu is moving on from The Carpentries
Code of Conduct facilitation is part of the Carpentries Community Facilitators Program. We welcome your review and suggestions on our new Carpentries Code of Conduct Facilitators module
We have two themed discussions on the financial report scheduled for June.
A summary of the two community conversations with the Carpentries Executive Council in February 2021, facilitated by Serah Njambi Kiburu and Dr. Kari L. Jordan
Code of Conduct Committee is recruiting new members. Attend one of our community discussions in June to find out more about how we help make The Carpentries a welcoming and supporting environment.
Toby Hodges takes up leadership of the Curriculum Team from June 2021.
What we learned from the inaugural round of lesson development training.
We will continue to listen to and support you as we endeavor to be the leading inclusive community teaching data and coding skills.
Emily de la Mettrie shares her process behind the design of the next iteration of the lesson template
Lessons included data organising and cleaning in spreadsheets and with OpenRefine, and data analysis and visualisation with R and RStudio
New information about upcoming Discussion Host onboarding sessions for anyone interested in facilitating community calls and themed discussions in The Carpentries.
The yearly Annual and Financial reports for 2020 are now available to read and share
Originally posted on the Bioinformatics Hub of Kenya website, this blog post highlights learnings from the BHKi's first R workshop on 24 and 25 March 2021
Highlighting this lesson from The Carpentries Incubator, Bash and R for Metagenomics.
Read on to learn about Library Carpentry's expansion, funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services
Dr. Michael Culshaw-Maurer joins The Carpentries as a joint postdoctoral researcher with CyVerse
Carpentries Core Team gets a start on alt text updates for Carpentries lessons
Highlighting this lesson from The Carpentries Incubator, teaching Python for Business.
Read on to see how we are progressing towards goals outlined in our Strategic Plan for 2020-2025
Apply to host or teach a beta pilot workshop for the newest Data Carpentry curriculum
Apply to become an Instructor Trainer and shape the next generation of Carpentries Instructors!
Read on to learn more about Carpentries Instructor Vini Salazar’s work to develop the Carpentries Python Curriculum
This post provides a summary of discussions and takeaways from the Community Sustainability session that Serah Njambi Kiburu and Toby Hodges facilitated at the March 2021 SORSE workshop
Please welcome the 5 new members of the Trainers Leadership group
Highlighting this lesson from The Carpentries Incubator, teaching Open data science skills with R and RStudio.
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” -Martin Luther King, Jr.
Please welcome the 7 new members of the Library Carpentry Advisory Group
Al Obayuwana joins The Carpentries as Director of Partnerships
Help with the further improvement of these lessons from The Carpentries Incubator
The Library Carpentry lessons are fantastic resources for teaching students.
In this post, Serah Njambi Kiburu and Emily Lescak summarise Serah's presentation and discussions from her Code for Science and Society community talk on accessibility in virtual events, and share an accessibility checklist to guide you as you plan virtual events.
We share a complete bilingual R lesson in English and Japanese
Highlighting this introductory lesson from The Carpentries Incubator, on containerised computing with Docker.
Danielle Sieh joins The Carpentries as Workshop Administrator
We are keen to improve accessibility across our interactions and resources in The Carpentries, and invite you to help.
We request your input in Carpentries Conversation 27 to help guide resource translation priorities and efforts by our community.
Join The Carpentries Team in informal chat sessions at rstudio::global(2021)'s 24-hour conference on January 21 2021
Community members reflect on the experience of teaching a new lesson for the first time.
Here are the members of the 2021 Carpentries Executive Council
We raised $15,445. Thank You!
Read on to learn about our strategic plan progress through Q4 2020 (October - December)
Instructors' experiences running Carpentries workshops in the University of California System
Set your intentions for 2021
This post covers the instructor's experiences teaching an online Data Carpentry workshop in Iran
Announcing a new program to support community members wishing to develop a new lesson in The Carpentries Incubator.
Best practices on online teaching compared to in-person? How to build more visible community network? Nordic and Baltic community is moving forward
We spent some time reflecting on 2020 as a Team, and wrote thank you notes for our community.
Our community is resilient, patient and very resourceful
Here is what has changed in our bylaws this year
Applications to join the Library Carpentry Advisory Group are open between now and 18 January 2021!
Fourteen new Carpentries Instructor Trainers have been badged!
Following up on Hacktoberfest 2020 and the first Glosario contribution drive.
Here are some of the many ways you can contribute to The Carpentries
We have now selected and onboarded our first cohort of community facilitators, focussing on feedback facilitation. Read about them in this post.
The election period for the 2021 Carpentries Executive Council opens Monday November 30
Introducing our newest Regional Coordinator
Become a mentor or mentee for first cycle of 2021 Mentoring Groups!
The Carpentries Executive Director provides insight on The Carpentries fundraising campaign
Join us in welcoming Daniel Chen as our new Maintainer Community Lead!
Read on for a recap on efforts to develop the Carpentries in academic libraries in California, US
Support The Carpentries $30K Individual Contributions Fundraising Goal
Help with the further improvement of this lesson from The Carpentries Incubator
We’re updating the pricing structure and benefits available for our most customisable membership tier.
Job Opportunities With The Carpentries
This post covers instructors' experiences teaching a virtual Library Carpentry workshop in August 2020
Lessons learned during the author's first attendance at a Data Carpentry workshop
Nominations are now open for community-elected and Council-elected positions
Following up on the CarpentryCon @ Home session, Library Carpentry Wikidata Lesson Sprint
Read on to learn about our strategic plan progress through Q3 2020 (July - September)
This post covers instructors' experiences teaching a Data Carpentries workshop for the South African Centre for Digital Language Resources in August 2020
A new page to highlight issues needing your help.
This October, help us internationalise and expand Glosario, the open source, multilingual glossary of data science terms.
Join our new mailing list for an opportunity to engage with The Carpentries on a philanthropic level
Following up on the CarpentryCon @ Home session, Growing Carpentries through a Growing Community with the session hosts
How do the results of our long-term survey for in-person workshops compare to virtual workshops? Let’s find out!
This post covers the instructor's experiences teaching an online Software Carpentry workshop at Newcastle University
Several recent publications have showcased the value of The Carpentries in academic libraries. Here we highlight three written by members of our community
The Carpentries will train NNLM members as Library Carpentry instructors, and pilot additional curriculum in the online environment.
Call for applications to join our 2020 cohort of Carpentries Feedback Facilitators is now open.
Read on and find out how to collaborate with us to develop resources under this program
Our Instructor Development Committee has a strong team of seven to lead its activities over the next year
Questions about Membership? Email
How we listen and why your feedback matters
CarpentryCon @ Home may be over, but the learning should continue.
Teaching 100 learners at once: does it work?
Here is a set of questions we hope to discuss on Wednesday, 26 August 2020 at 21h00 UTC and Thursday, 27 August 2020 at 15h00 UTC. Join us!
Dr. Toby Hodges joins The Carpentries as Curriculum Community Developer. Welcome!
Learn more about running the Carpentries semi-asynchronously.
Twelve Design principles to guide the development of the next lesson template
Applications are now open to join the 2020-2021 cohort of leadership for the Instructor Development Committee
Here are a set of resources to help you recruit instructors for Self-Organised workshops
Our timeline and strategy to adapt to R 4.0
An open source multilingual glossary of data science terms
Looking to host a Carpentries Community Discussion?
Apply to become an Instructor Trainer and shape the next generation of Carpentries Instructors!
We are looking for the next Maintainer Community Lead!
We have hosted more than 50 pre- and post-workshop discussions between January and June 2020
Twenty-three new Lesson Maintainers badged
We are starting a monthly community call for Instructors in the midwest US.
Find the CarpentryCon @ Home sessions that meet your interests
The following is guidance based on the Software Sustainability Institute staff and collaborators running online training events.
Global Capacity Building for Inclusive Computational Communities
CarpentryCon @ Home begins next week! The 7-week long event starts with a keynote by Dr. Kari L. Jordan on 13 July and the first session on 14 July
This post covers instructors' experiences teaching SQL, OpenRefine, and Python over the course of 4 online sessions in late May
In this post, organisers detail how they moved an in-person community conference online in a few weeks, and the lessons they picked up along the way
Online workshop logistics and how learners would set up their screens if they only had a single monitor.
Learn what we have accomplished with support from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
This post covers instructors' experiences from teaching an online workshop at UCLA
This post covers instructors' experiences running a four-day online Software Carpentry workshop at the University of Washington
Going forwards, Carpentries Core Team will set aside one work day a month to read and reflect. Friday, June 12 will be the first of these.
The CarpentryCon @ Home Task Force would appreciate community feedback on proposals, and seeks regional hosts to help facilitate sessions at the conference.
Read on to learn about our strategic plan progress
The Carpentries Core Team advocates for empathy, empowerment, and equity
This post covers learners' experiences and feedback from SADiLaR's first three-day online Data Carpentry workshop in early May
Dr. Allen Downey joins The Carpentries as Astronomy Curriculum Developer. Welcome!
Please join The Carpentries Core Team for a monthly community call centred around online workshops
Here are examples of what worked well and other observations from our workshop held in the last week of April
Searching for community discussion topics, panel sessions, or social event ideas
Moving our local Carpentries socials to a virtual space
We have released our 2019 Annual Report and Financial Report, and set up a standalone page for all Carpentries reports
Dr. Kelly Barnes joins The Carpentries as Deputy Director of Instructor Training. Welcome!
Here's how Ambo University's first Data Carpentry workshop went in December 2019
Here's a summary of three themed discussions on teaching git and GitHub from December 2019
Here are the measures Core Team members are taking to support each other and our community during this time
Fourteen new Carpentries Instructor Trainers badged!
Information for Carpentries Instructors to teach workshops remotely
We now offer cloud instances as backup for learners with installation issues
Share this with your students before your next online workshop
A bit of a plan for teaching online
Wondering what lists to subscribe to in The Carpentries TopicBox? Read this helpful guide by Angelique Trusler
Dr. Kari L. Jordan is the new Executive Director of The Carpentries!
We successfully ran a 3-hour workshop for 11 learners with one instructor and five helpers. here's how it turned out.
Sharing with the community what worked well in our first online CodeRefinery workshop and what we need and plan to improve.
The Carpentries convened a COVID-19 Response Task Force in mid-March, and a first version of their work is summarised in this post.
We are pleased to share a resource designed to guide community members as they organise local and regional Carpentries events, whether online or in-person.
There will be no in-person or virtual CarpentryCon in 2020.
Maintaining Carpentries lessons is a great way to learn Git.
Welcoming new and existing Lesson Maintainers to the community!
This post is the second in our round of invaluable community-contributed tips for teaching online.
This post shares a first round of community-contributed tips on teaching online. Have a read and consider contributing more tips for teaching and learning online.
Join us in welcoming Dr. Zhian N. Kamvar to The Carpentries
Join us in welcoming Omar Khan to The Carpentries Core Team and community.
Ryan Avery and Kunal Marwaha taught a new Carpentries Incubator lesson at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and wrote about their experience and feedback from the workshop.
We are closely monitoring the ongoing and evolving global Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, and the potential impact for our community around the world.
A CodiMD instance hosted by The Carpentries is now available.
The Workshop Administration Team at The Carpentries will be testing a new workflow from February 24
Aleksandra Nenadic, our Carpentries Regional Coordinator in the UK, and SSI's Training Lead shares why more should be involved in teaching coding and data science skills
Here's a helpful roundup from CarpentryCon Task Force on how to prepare for, contribute towards and stay updated about CarpentryCon 2020
CarpentryCon 2020's Budget subcommittee has prepared a Sponsorship Kit to guide you in reaching out to potential sponsors
We are advancing our Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility work with funding from Mozilla!
Announcing officers elected to The Carpentries Executive Council for 2020
We will continue building capacity - together.
Read on and learn more about The Carpentries Strategic Plan for the next three to five years
Join us in welcoming Angela Li as our Maintainer Community Lead!
A message of gratitude from Ariel Deardorff, co-Chair of the Library Carpentry Advisory Council
Daniel Ouso and Bianca Peterson share their experience from instructing a Genomics workshop in Nairobi, Kenya in December 2019
We cannot wait to see you in Madison, get your conference ticket today!
Karen Word will serve as our new Director of Instructor Training and oversee the expansion of this program
Today we are announcing a new project to help build regional training partnerships in California
Three regional Carpentries community events will take place this year. Read on and find out if one is scheduled in your region and how to participate in an event near you.
The Carpentries Searches for a New Executive Director
We appreciate the Carpentries team
Support from American Institute of Physics to develop Astronomy curriculum
Partnering for global good
Regional Coordinators keep our workshops going!
Maintainers help keep lessons healthy and workshops running smoothly.
As at December 2019, Carpentries Instructors and Helpers have made over 2,440 workshops possible!
Partnering for global good
“Sithanda ukudlulisa amazwi ukubonga ku Carpentries!” from Carpentries Instructors in Africa
Submit your application to receive financial aid to attend CarpentryCon from June 29 to July 1, 2020
In just six months our Instructor Development Committee has done SO MUCH!
Organised in six subcommittees, this Task Force is doing great work ahead of CarpentryCon 2020
Tracy Teal is moving on from The Carpentries, Kari Jordan will serve as Acting Executive Director
We appreciate the enthusiasm and creativity with which community members communicate in, about and in support of The Carpentries
The Code of Conduct Committee continues to embody our Core Values, and for that, we are grateful.
Thank you to the Executive Council
We upgraded our Etherpad server.
We are taking time throughout December 2019 to reflect, write and share our community green stickies for the year
We are collecting feedback on the long-term impact of our workshops. We want to hear from you!
Job Opportunities With The Carpentries
A collaborative translation of lessons into Japanese is underway, find out what we have learned and how to help
Thanks to our community's input, we are excited to share The Carpentries' nine core values
Apply to become an Instructor Trainer and shape the next generation of Carpentries Instructors!
Dr. Angelique Trusler joins The Carpentries as Regional Consultant for Southern Africa.
Amy Hodge reflects on what it means to serve on the Executive Council and explains why you should apply
A summary of discussions from the in-person Executive Council meeting and the way forward
This post by CarpentryCon 2020 Task Force members offers tips for submitting a session proposal
We have received $2.65 million from Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to support our work over the next three years.
A growing community is gaining momentum to bring Software Carpentry to Japan
Our vision is to be the leading inclusive community teaching computing and data skills.
Join the Task Force on November 6 for CarpentryCon 2020 updates
A new book elaborates on the Carpentries instructor training material and more.
Nominations are now open for community-elected and Council-elected positions
New survey systems for our workshops
Building Community through Membership: 2019 Member Survey Results and Member Organisation Council Meetings
In this post, Angela Li and Jessica Trelogan share tried and tested strategies for organising successful Carpentries workshops
In this post, Raniere Silva shares reflections from teaching a software carpentry workshop in Botswana
A new tool for instructor-trainers to make preparation for a new workshop easier.
This October, read and suggest relevant tags for posts published on The Data Carpentry, Library Carpentry and Software Carpentry blogs
How Rstudio's instructor training builds on the Carpentries.
Here's an update from The Carpentries Executive Council about recent and ongoing work, and with links to relevant resources
Chat with Canadian Regional Coordinators
Matt Dray shares lessons from the trainer workshop about audience needs and positive instructor behaviour when running participatory live coding
In this post, Chris Erdmann reflects on his time as Library Carpentry Community & Development Director ahead of his last day.
Prevent burnout by being welcoming and sharing experiences in everyday conversations.
Here's what The Carpentries team accomplished in Q2 and Q3 2019, and a look into work that will continue in Q4 2019.
Community members gather to discuss Carpentries successes and challenges in Dunedin, New Zealand
The Community Champions discussed how they grow their local communities
The Carpentries should be a leader in ensuring that our community is a safe and welcoming space.
Navigating organising a Carpentries Workshop
California Digital Library receives supplemental grant from IMLS for Library Carpentry
Find out more about The Carpentries values project. Answer three questions and help us articulate our community values
Curious about mentoring groups?
Trainer Training Postponed
Read about activities the Australian Research Data Commons is embarking on to support The Carpentries
In this post, Malvika Sharan shares her personal notes from June 2019's CarpentryConnect in Manchester
Workshops...Request? Notify? Inquire? What Do I Do?
Let's talk about community discussions
A paper on the progress of HPC Carpentry was presented at the 'Workshop on HPC Education and Training for Emerging Technologies' at ISC2019
Anonymous form open for incidents outside CoCc mandate
Following a successful Software Carpentry workshop, Juan Rodriguez summarised the experience in this post.
Join our August 28 2019 community call to help us build a diverse community of preprint reviewers
TU Delft Library met Data Champions from the Department of Biotechnology, Victor Koppejan and Raúl A. Ortiz Merino, to celebrate their Software and Data Carpentry workshop success.
After a rigorous venue and theme bidding process, here's information about CarpentryCon 2020 and 2021!
Missed #CCMCR2019? Read Aleksandra Nenadic's account of the three-day event
Sign up and help shape our Sponsorship Programme.
Our Code of Conduct is serving its purpose, but when incidents fall outside its mandate, what can we do?
We are releasing our community communications plan and introducing how-to guides for community-led communications
What goes into a major lesson update?
With great thanks to the more than 1100 people who have made this lesson release possible.
In this post, Alexander Refsum Jensenius shares thoughts and takeaways from a recent Train the Trainer Workshop
We are paving the way for Inclusivity!
Drawing on Library Carpentry lessons, pedagogy and community
Phil Reed shares lessons from a recent R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis workshop
To charge (a minimal) workshop fee or not to charge? That is the question
A place where everyone can come together to share topics and learn from each other
Now you can request stickers until 30 June 2019!
It’s not enough to be invited to the party; we want you to be asked to dance!
IDC wants your feedback on 6/17
63 sprinters from 8 countries and 35 institutions took part in the May 2019 sprint.
Planning for The Carpentries' financial sustainability
Here's what The Carpentries team is working on in the second quarter of 2019.
Join a mentoring group!
A summary of our community call on Carpentries activities in Australia
Bianca Peterson & Katrin Tirok share their tried-and-tested tips and tricks for teaching R
Join the Community Discussion 21-22 May for Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Planning
Preparing for the June 2019 lesson release
Help prepare the Genomics lessons for release in June!
Looking to host a Carpentries Community Discussion? See Martin Dreyer's pointers
Meet the Canadian Regional Coordinators
Our Instructor Development Committee has a strong team of six to lead its activities over the next year
An update on what the Library Carpentry Maintainers have been working on since January 2019.
Response to DataCamp blog post
What's new at ORCID? Learn about new features available via ORCID's API 3.0 to connect and share more of your own and community's contributions.
The Group will advise on ways to foster greater participation in the Library Carpentry community
A Capacity Development Project Inspired by The Carpentries.
New instructors from the East Coast of South Africa join The Carpentries community
A guide for creating Carpentries-style lessons.
Interested in leading the Instructor Development Committee? Learn more about the Committee and read some advice from a former Co-Chair.
Boats, Bridges, Balloons - Here's why and how we communicate at The Carpentries
Upcoming Sprint to improve and develop Library Carpentry material
Announcing officers elected to The Carpentries Executive Council for 2019
Join us for a discussion of past, present and future Carpentries activities in Australia
The Carpentries is searching for its next Instructor Development Committee Leaders!
Coding with Crostini the ChromeOS Linux App
Submit your theme suggestions and venue bids for CarpentryCon 2020
How to connect with your Regional Coordinator
We're hiring a Regional Coordinator for Southern Africa!
Meet the NZ Regional Coordinator
An update on Library Carpentry lesson development
Collaboration and transparency: Keys to our improved Code of Conduct
Here's why you should attend #ccmcr19 from June 25 to 27, 2019.
Check out how The Carpentries team is supporting our community this quarter.
Sher! Shares the News
A two-day worldwide sprint held on 29-30 November 2018 to develop domain-relevant guides on FAIR.
Help inform our Code of Conduct Documentation. Attend the #CarpentriesConversation
Building the local South African Carpentries community through a CarpentryConnect.
What did the African Task Force Do in 2018 and what did we learn...
Nos complace anunciar una nueva lección traducida por la comunidad: Análisis y visualización de datos usando Python
Jonah is stepping down as Director of Membership and Technology
Reflections on Holding a Carpentries-Inspired Workshop in my Library and Information Science (LIS) Class
We are excited to announce our newest community-driven lesson translation: Análisis y visualización de datos usando Python
Kari transitions into new role: Senior Director of Equity and Assessment
Welcome to our new Trainer trainees!
News on Library Carpentry’s Lesson Program Implementation with The Carpentries
Please join us in welcoming Serah Njambi Kiburu!
Instructor Training Checkout requirement to include Community Discussions
We’re making it easier for Members (and others) to schedule their teams for Instructor Training
A space where staff can continue to apply what they've learned from Library Carpentry workshops
Teaching at the University of the Virgin Islands
Thanks to the award winners, sorted by surname, Tim Dennis, Margareth Gfrerer, Toby Hodges, Fotis Psomopoulos, and Malvika Sharan.
What other ways are there to participate in The Carpentries community?
Instructor Development Committee proposes new checkout requirement
What’s new in the Instructor Training curriculum?
Experienced instructors & trained educators wanted!
2019 ballot description and logistics
Focus on targeted growth and representation
Please join us in welcoming Talisha Sutton-Kennedy!
Find new pathways to a range of Carpentries material
Deadline is next week. Do not miss the opportunity to recognise members contribution
Mentoring gives me joy, and here’s why.
On 1 November 2018 the Executive Council approved Library Carpentry as an official Lesson Program
In celebration of reaching 2K Twitter followers, here is a summary of our Twitter Analytics
Nominations now open for community-elected Executive Council positions.
The Carpentries has put together our first official annual report!
What we're planning to accomplish for our lessons in the rest of the year.
Keeping Your Workshop Organised
New Library Carpentry Website Responds to Carpentries Roadmap
A global sprint to develop 10 FAIR things resources for data in different disciplines
2018 Community Service Awards - Call for Nominations
Job Opportunities with The Carpentries
How do you deliver exercises
Join the CarpentryCon Task Force
From zero to … here
A list of resources to kick-start your workshop
Library Carpentry workshop at the University of Arizona
Background to the recent revision of the Code
Invitation to join the CarpentryCon TaskForce
Workshop and instructor training for librarians
Want to teach data science skills to people working with weather, climate and ocean data?
Helping us grow our pool of Carpentries instructors
Want to teach geospatial skills? Sign up for onboarding or to host a pilot workshop today.
Request for Comment on The Carpentries Bylaws
Building global communities of Spanish-speaking Carpentry instructors and lesson developers
How your library can be a hub for data science activities in your community.
UO and OSU Library Carpentry report
Developing the New England Software Carpentry Library Consortium and a Community of Practice
New mission and vision for The Carpentries
Helping keep lessons on track
What is considered a Library Carpentry workshop vs a roadshow
Quarterly Update on our Programmatic Assessment Report
How the Library Carpentry community began, and where it is going
Cross-institutional skill- and community-building event attracts hundreds of researchers
It's show time!
A report from the TIB Hannover FAIR Data & Software Workshop (9-13 July, 2018)
Help us grow and diversify our pool of Carpentries instructors
Taking Library Carpentry on the road in New Zealand
That's one small step for The Carpentries, one giant leap for Latin America
Here's proof that YOU are making an impact!
The Executive Council has been working on revising and solidifying the mission, vision, and bylaws for The Carpentries
Dunedin ResBaz was held at The University of Otago on 4-6 July, 2018.
Executive Council moves to eliminate Self-Organised workshop fees
Time to talk about data and software skills in libraries
Organisational memberships have defined the joint future of Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry together as The Carpentries
Thanks to The Carpentries and conference sponsors
A summary of our progress together over the past eighteen months
Executive Council met to discuss mission and vision of The Carpentries
Hosting discussion sessions is a great way to expand your network
Upcoming, open Instructor training for librarians
2012-2018 Programmatic Assessment Report Published
Find out what we talked about during the lesson infrastructure breakout session at CarpentryCon
Hosting discussion sessions is a great way to expand your network
You Belong in The Carpentries and we want to hear from you
Inaugural Conference a Big Success
Updates to privacy policy and option to be included on our new website
The Carpentries' Executive Council and the Library Carpentry governance team vote to start discussions
Please share your impact story
Planning for a seamless transition
Executive Council 1st 2018 Tertile Report: Bylaws
Announcing publication of a Data Carpentry curriculum for social scientists.
The third sprint featured lots of updates and new curriculum, plus the development of a new website
Rethinking the Lesson Pipeline with reticulate
The first joint quarterly report for The Carpentries programs
Many Carpentries instructors may find themselves in the position of teaching material they do not know all that well
Leveraging the power of community
Background to the workshop and lessons learned
A brief summary of the activity on our repository during the Bug BBQ
New website for access to all things Carpentries
“We release our new merged website to celebrate our new merged identity, and to complement information in The Carpentries Handbook.”
Find all the latest news on CarpentryCon 2018
CarpentryCon 2018 Needs YOUR help
Announcing Chris Erdmann as the new Library Carpentry Community and Development Director, starting 4 May, 2018.
Find new pathways to a range of Carpentries' materials
Find new pathways to a range of Carpentries material
The process of developing GitHub labels for our lessons.
Did you miss the deadline to join a mentoring group?
A short guide on how to contribute and be involved during The Carpentries Bug BBQ.
A short guide on how to contribute and be involved during The Carpentries Bug BBQ.
To be held in Dublin from 30 May - 1 June, 2018, CarpentryCon will be three action-packed days of skill ups, breakout sessions, talks, social events, and workshops.
'If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go with others.' - African Proverb
Mark your calendar, the first joint Carpentries Bug BBQ will take place April 12-13!
“Be part of a team providing oversight, vision, and leadership for Carpentry curriculum.”
“An updated history of how new Instructors become certified”
Community members engage during the mentoring groups virtual showcase.
Bringing Carpentries Training to the Federal Reserve Board
“Get involved as we prepare to publish two new Data Carpentry curricula”
Applicants for the 2018 Merged Carpentries Steering Committee
Work first-hand on developing our ever growing instructor pool.
Ireland the venue for inaugural CarpentryCon
Outcomes from focus group to discuss Data Carpentry’s survey instruments
Stand for election to the joint Steering Committee of the merged Carpentries organization
A discussion of learner outcomes more than six months after attending a Carpentries workshop.
Share your knowledge to help others work more efficiently
We’re starting a new round of mentoring groups, centered on specific lessons.
Here's what we accomplished
Mentoring groups provide experienced instructors with the chance to help small groups develop confidence in teaching, lesson maintenance and community building.
Working to update the Genomics lessons
What we can do in workshops to help people with dyslexia
This post will cover the topics discussed and their resolutions.
Data Carpentry launches Skills-Based Pre- and Post-Workshop Surveys
Here's what we accomplished
Ecology workshop and study group
Two days of bug squashing coming up!
We’re releasing a new version of the Carpentry Instructor Training curriculum - learn how you can help!
Use our meetups page to find Carpenters at conferences
Formative assessment for instructors!
Please welcome her to our staff!
Working with hosts and instructors on workshop access
Working with hosts and instructors on workshop access
“Here’s what we accomplished.”
The Netherlands eScience Center in collaboration with University Medical Center Utrecht, SURFsara and DTL/ELIXIR-NL organized one of the first Data Carpentry Genomics workshops in Europe.
“Get involved as we prepare for our first Issue Bonanza and Bug BBQ on the Data Carpentry Genomics lessons”
“Hundreds of contributors to the Ecology lessons first official release”
“Building community through training and coding”
“Over 75 pull requests from the Issue Bonanza and Bug BBQ”
Promoting the unrestricted availability of scholarly citation data
We’re planning our first lesson release - learn how you can contribute!
With the help of our community we added skills-based questions to our surveys!
“Here’s what we accomplished.”
Meet other instructors and help the community grow.
A brief review of the past year and plans for the year ahead
We’re planning our first lesson release - learn how you can contribute!
Attend our new ‘Run a Workshop!’ office hours.
Report back from the Curriculum Development Hackathon for Reproducible Research using Jupyter Notebooks and the Moore Foundation Early Career Researcher Symposium
“How to navigate the inevitably awkward.”
Thanks for all his amazing and inspirational work
“No matter how hard I practice I’ll never be able to dunk a basketball.”
Creating a transparent and community-driven communications strategy.
How our community uses data skills in their work
Building on Data Carpentry's core strength of collaborative lesson development.
Apply to participate!
Thank you to all of our amazing applicants!
When did you realize you belonged to the Carpentry community?
Data Carpentry workshops have made a meaningful impact on the way learners view their ability to complete computational tasks.
Discussion of our workshop survey results
Discussion of our workshop survey results
Linking self-efficacy to learner success in carpentry workshops.
Join the community call to connect with other instructors & get activity updates
The importance of formative assessment
Recognizing volunteers for their outstanding work in the community.
The Carpentries seek your involvement in developing conduct-related policy.
Dr. Kari L. Jordan joins Data Carpentry as the new Deputy Director of Assessment
Requesting community feedback on workshops for for-profit organizations
Two open instructor training classes this fall
Suggestions and perspectives on how to select a license for your data publication
Analysis of checkout completion rates and time to first workshop for new instructors
Applications are now open for R instructor training
Dr. Erin Becker starts as the new Data Carpentry Associate Director
We're committed to a friendly and respectful community for learning, teaching and contributing
There are now opportunities to be partners with Data Carpentry and Software Carpentry
We're hiring a Deputy Director of Assessment to study the impact we are having
News from the pilot of the spatial data Data Carpentry workshop
Instructor training event will take place in Potchefstroom, North-West Province, South Africa from 17 - 20 April 2016
Several workshops starting off Data Carpentry in 2016
Curriculum added to Data Carpentry to further support training in reproducible research
We're hiring an Associate Director to lead community engagement and education efforts
At the beginning of November, Belgium held its first Data Carpentry workshop.
A grant to rOpenSci from Helmsley Charitable Trust supports a collaboration with Data Carpentry to develop training for the use and publication of open data.
Already a Software Carpentry instructor? Become a Data Carpentry instructor too!
First Data Carpentry workshop in Africa at the TDWG conference
We are very pleased to announce that we've received a grant from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.
Workshop fees to increase for workshops scheduled after September 1, 2015 to help with organization sustainability
ELIXIR sponsored Data Carpentry workshop
Announcing a Data Carpentry Genomics and Assessment Hackathon