Applications for December Instructor Training Are Now Closed

This post originally appeared on the Software Carpentry website.

Applications to take part in December's two-day instructor training class are now closed. We received more than three dozen applications from four continents, including over 400 people, and will let people know early next week whether they have been selected. Groups that we can't include in this round will be given priority to take part in the new year.

Meanwhile, yesterday saw the final meeting of the six-week cohort of instructor trainees. The next step is to match trainees with experienced instructors who will guide them through the core Data Carpentry and Software Carpentry material and oversee their final mini-lesson. This will start early in the new year so that we include people from both the multi-week and two-day pilots. Assuming it goes well, we will finally have a pipeline that can meet our community's desire for instructor training.

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