Introducing our new Workshop Administrator Danielle Sieh

Danielle Sieh joins The Carpentries as Workshop Administrator

We are delighted to announce that Danielle Sieh has accepted the job of Workshop Administrator with The Carpentries. Danielle is joining our team of workshop coordinators who manage workshop logistics, communicate with hosts and instructors, and respond to general workshop inquiries.

You will be seeing emails from her soon, and you can contact Danielle at Welcome Danielle!

A message from Danielle

I am truly delighted to be joining The Carpentries team in the role of Workshop Administrator. I am based in Columbus, Ohio (USA) and I am relatively new to The Carpentries organisation and mission. However, after a lot of research and a whole lot of reading, I became quite enamored with The Carpentries and everything the organisation embodies. Having a background largely involved in education and community relations, I was excited to see the emphasis on evidence-based teaching, inclusivity and diversity, and a strong focus on getting information across to the learner in a way that works for them. I am thrilled to be working for such an incredible organisation and can’t wait to see what amazing opportunities this role brings.

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