Virtual Instructors Retreat
This post originally appeared on the Software Carpentry website.
The Mentoring sub-committee is planning a Virtual Instructors Retreat this fall. The goal of the event is to build community between instructors, as well as give us all a chance to practice our teaching and give and receive feedback from each other. This will be a day-long event where we meet in person with our local community, where possible, and remotely where meeting in person is not possible. World-wide, all groups will also interact with each other via internet conferencing for specific portions of the event.
We want as many of our instructors as possible to be able to participate, so please help us to do this by filling out this Doodle poll.
Also, we are interested in your ideas about such an event. Please feel free to mail any ideas, comments or questions to the Mentoring sub-committee.
Dialogue & Discussion
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