A Multi-Site Sprint in July

This post originally appeared on the Software Carpentry website.

We'll be holding our first-ever global sprint on July 22-23, 2014. This event will be modeled on Random Hacks of Kindness: people will work with friends and colleagues at sites around the globe, then hand off to participants west of them as their days end and others' begin. We will set up video conferencing between the various locations and a show-and-tell at the end (and yes, there will be stickers and t-shirts).

We have booked space for the sprint at the Mozilla offices in Paris, London, Toronto, Vancouver, and San Francisco. If you aren't in one of those cities, but are willing to help organize in your area, please add yourself to this Etherpad. We'll hash out the what and how at the next lab meeting—it's a community event, so we'd like the community to choose what to sprint on—but please get the date in your calendar: it just wouldn't be a party without you.

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