Who Are We?

This post originally appeared on the Software Carpentry website.

For the last three years, I've been storing information about instructors, workshops, and other things in a small SQLite database so that I can look things up and generate statistics when I need to. I can't publish it, since it contains personal identifying information, but since I had to write a script to migrate the data to the tool we're building to manage workshops, it only took another few minutes to create a partly-redacted version of the data. ("Partly" because someone who was really keen could work backward workshop URLs to instructors' names, cross-reference, and recover the names of some fraction of our instructors. Since that information is all public anyway, though, I don't think I've introduced any new risks.)

The SQL source for the database is here; with it, you can regenerate the database using:

$ sqlite3 swc.db < swc-db-2014-12-14.sql

You can then ask lots of questions—some examples are included below. If you'd like a little end-of-year procrastination, what else can you find in this data that's interesting?

-- How many sites have had how many events?  
select count(*), c
from (select count(*) as c
      from site join event
      on site.id=event.site_id
      group by site.id)
group by c
order by c desc;
number count
2 8
2 7
2 6
3 5
4 4
8 3
36 2
117 1
-- How many people have taught?
select count(distinct person_id)
from person join task join role
on person.id=task.person_id and task.role_id=role.id
where role.name='instructor';
-- How many people started as learners or helpers and became instructors?
-- How often have people taught?
from (select count(*) as c
      from person join task join role
      on person.id=task.person_id and task.role_id=role.id
      where role.name='instructor'
      group by person_id)
group by c
order by c desc;
# instructors # workshops
1 43
1 14
3 12
2 11
2 10
5 9
5 8
4 7
5 6
16 5
17 4
32 3
50 2
138 1
-- How has each training cohort done?
select cohort.name, count(*), round((100.0 * sum(trainee.complete)) / count(*), 1)
from trainee join cohort
on trainee.cohort_id=cohort.id
where cohort.qualifies
group by cohort_id;
name enrolled completion %age
2012-08-26-online 20 55.0
2012-10-11-online 25 44.0
2013-01-06-online 12 16.7
2013-03-12-online 27 48.1
2013-05-12-online 45 26.7
2013-08-12-online 41 43.9
2013-09-30-online 57 31.6
2014-01-16-online 67 22.4
2014-04-24-online 58 31.0
2014-04-28-mozilla 43 65.1
2014-06-05-online 29 10.3
2014-06-11-online 59 27.1
2014-09-10-online 81 29.6
2014-09-22-uva 31 22.6
2014-10-22-tgac 41 26.8
2014-11-12-washington 20
2015-01-01-online 135
2015-01-06-ucdavis 4
2015-05-01-online 113

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