Launching Pre Workshop Help Session

This post originally appeared on the Software Carpentry website.

Organizing one workshop isn't easy and sometimes things out of your control go wrong in the last minute like the internet access on the room is very slow. After months of discussions of what could be done to help instructors and hosts when organizing their workshops and being prepared for the show time the Mentoring Subcommittee decided to test some helping sessions.

The first help session will happen on December 9th at 3PM UTC and December 10th at 12PM UTC to accommodate different timezones. Connection instructions can be found in the previous links.

We invite everyone committed with one upcoming workshop, independently of the organization stage (before decide dates, preparing workshop homepage, registrations in progress, reviewing lessons), to join the help session, share experience, have a good discussion and meet others instructors.

If you can't attend this first help session, don't worry. There will be a second help session on the begin of 2016, date need to be defined, and it will probably become a regular event. More important, if you want a one-to-one chat about the workshop you are organizing or going to teach we are happy to do that; just email

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