This post originally appeared on the Software Carpentry website.
Here's some feedback from participants in our Oslo workshop:
- Discovered a dishwasher
- Test-driven development
- Lots of anecdotes
- Power plugs and coffee!
- Jokes (no, really)
- Reminded me why I should use version control
- Inspirational
- Discovering the web page
- Not slaughtered by Vikings (yet)
- Good teaching skills
- Free!
- Lunch at twelve, please
- Didn't cover SQL
- Need to show code and output side by side
- Couldn't keep up with typing
- Greg speaks too fast
- Not good context for some examples
- Matrix programming lacked exercises and examples
- More exercises please
- 34 registered, 15 attended
- Tell us more about installation
- Lack of key point summaries
- Too short
And from our Columbia University workshop in New York City (see also this great writeup from the course instructor, Dr. Rachel Schutt):
- Lot of new information
- Collaboration!
- Pair programming
- Programming can be elegant!
- Many practical hints on productivity
- New Python tricks
- Liked evidence-based anecdotes
- Clustered necessary things together
- Interaction with students
- Breaks were perfectly timed
- Epd installation (yay!)
- Installation hell
- Too much focus on impractical details
- Struggled to get code off screen into my machine
- No conversation about base knowledge
- Too little on data scrubbing
- Not enough practical answers
- Got totally lost (not time to copy examples)
- No chance to write down URLs etc.
- Too early for Saturday
- Doesn't leave enough time for homework
- Epd was hell to uninstall
- How to apply to R
- Out-of-order examples