Invitation to Millions of Compute Hours: Announcing the Open Science Grid User School

This post originally appeared on the Software Carpentry website.

If you could access thousands or even millions of hours of computing, how would it transform your research? What discoveries might you make?

Each year the NSF-funded Open Science Grid (OSG) selects a group of 25-30 students to attend the OSG User School, a week-long dive into high-throughput computing approaches, technologies, and skills, within a larger context of computational research design that students can take into their future careers as researchers. Students across the country from nearly any research discipline are invited to apply, and selected applicants will obtain direct access to the OSG beyond the duration of the school.

Using lectures, discussions, role-plays, and lots of hands-on work with OSG experts in high throughput computing, students will learn how high-throughput systems work, how to convert a computational problem to run in high-throughput (as many separate "jobs"), how to run and manage many jobs and huge datasets to implement a full scientific computing workflow, and where to turn for help and more information.

The user school will be taking place July 27-31, 2015, at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Submission of a short application and letter of recommendation are due by May 1. Successful applicants will receive financial support to attend the OSG School, covering all basic travel, hotel, and food costs.

For more information, see the OSG User School website by clicking on the image below, or email user school staff at

OSG User School

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