This post originally appeared on the Software Carpentry website.
We just wrapped up a two-day workshop at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and another is due to start tomorrow. Here's what worked and what didn't from the first one:
Good |
Bad |
- Doing examples ourselves
- Liked Python examples
- Interactive
- Greg kinda knows this stuff
- Like the history lessons etc.
- Went through a lot of things
- Liked IPython Notebook
- Like intro to Git
- Intro to shell
- Examples are incremental
- Good mix of theory and hands-on
- Sticky notes
- Everything is open source
- Liked keeping functions small
- Liked red-green-refactor
- Little more structure please
- Lost with how to use Git
- Wanted a cheat sheet
- Wanted more Python
- Not a break Monday aft.
- Not clear how to apply all tips to all things
- Wanted more structure Monday aft. (and I was teaching it)
- Wanted cookies in the afternoon
- Too many things at once
- Poor choice of room
- Need a book or handouts
- Didn't see Python interact with R and MATLAB
- More specific to specific groups
- Bringing Python back to the shell etc.
- How to save terminal session/notebook/etc.
Many thanks to Shreyas Cholia, Adam Stone, Nina Lucido, Geoff Oxberry, Matthew Brett, Paul Ivanov, and all our learners for making it a success.