ARCHER Software Carpentry Bootcamp at Imperial College London

This post originally appeared on the Software Carpentry website.

ARCHER, the UK's new national supercomputing service, offers training in software development and high-performance computing to scientists and researchers across the UK. As part of our training service we are running a 2 day Software Carpentry bootcamp at Imperial College London, UK, on 16-17 September.

Software Carpentry bootcamps help researchers become more productive by teaching software development skills that enable more to be done, in less time, and with less pain. We will cover skills including version control, task automation, good programming practice and automated testing. These are skills that, in an ideal world, researchers would master before tackling anything with "cloud" or "peta" or "HPC" in their name, skills that enable researchers to optimise their time and provide them with a secure basis to optimise and parallelise their code.

This course is being run by EPCC, as part of ARCHER, and Imperial College London. The course is in collaboration with Software Carpentry, a Mozilla Science Lab initiative.

For more information and to register please, visit the ARCHER training page.

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