1 - 15 July, 2017: Learner Impact, Instructor Training, Community Building, Author Information.
This post originally appeared on the Software Carpentry website.
- Our pre- and post-workshop surveys show that the Carpentries have a significant impact on the learners.
- We are working to better the instructor training material to ensure we have a good up to date curriculum.
- You do not have to be an expert to be a good instructor.
- Are you on our mailing list yet? Sign up here to get our newsletter.
- The teams at @swcarpentry and @datacarpentry keep fighting the good fight! Good enough practices in scientific computing.
- Help bring workshops to new countries + communities in 2017 - make a donation to Software Carpentry.
- Read our experiences in ELIXIR with @swcarpentry and @datacarpentry.
- Research libraries and tools curation in digitalhumanities: new report.
- Wonder what’s going on @swcarpentry? You can see our community calendar here - it will correct for your time zone.
- You do not need to be an expert to be a workshop helper.
- We do a lot to build the community within the Carpentries.
- NASA DEVELOP hosted two concurrent workshops and it went very well.
If you have contributed to any of our lessons in the past please take a few minutes to give us some basic information.
- 22 workshops were run over the past 30 days. For more information about past workshops, please visit our website.
- Upcoming Workhshops:
- July
- University of Mauritius, Imperial College London, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University College London, McMaster University, Noble Research Institute.
- August
- University of Southampton, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, University of Notre Dame, Space Telescope Science Institute, University of Sheffield, Washington State University, Interacting Minds Centre, Aarhus University.
- September
- University of Würzburg, Ghent University, Oregon State University/CGRB, European Molecular Biology Laboratory.
Dialogue & Discussion
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