New monthly updates from the secretary

This post originally appeared on the Software Carpentry website.

After 6 months, I feel that I’m settling into my role as Software Carpentry Steering Committee Secretary. In an effort to improve communication and transparency between the Steering Committee and everyone else, I am commiting to writing or co-writing a montly blog post to keep you abreast on news from each meetings.

Check out these new blog post summaries of the in-person Software Carpentry Steering Committee Meeting and of the in-person SWC/DC merger group meeting.

I also have resumed the process of recoding all board resolutions here with those from previous years:

For your reference, minutes are always archived here: These can be a bit detailed or disorganized, so I’ve started to include a summary paragraph at the top the archived to improve their readability.

I’ve begun archiving the minutes for the Community Call meetings in this Carpentries GitHub repo:

Please let me know if you have questions or concerns. Thanks!

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