Pushing Ahead in Puget Sound

This post originally appeared on the Software Carpentry website.

As regular readers will know, our instructor training classes are heavily over-subscribed: even after the classes we ran this fall, we still have over 400 people on our waiting list, some of whom have been there for months.

One of these is Billy Charlton, who works for the Puget Sound Regional Council. Keen to sharpen his team's technical skills, and unable to wait any longer for a training course, he taught himself as much as he could about what and how we teach, then went ahead and ran a workshop using our materials. His report on his experiences is inspiring, as is the feedback he received from participants, and a great way to end a busy year.

If you have similar stories to share, please get in touch: we'd love to hear how you're finding your own uses for what we've built and how we could help you more.

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