Become a Member Organisation

A Member Organisation is an organisation which has made a commitment to the growth and spread of The Carpentries. Members receive priority access to Instructor Training and guidance with capacity building at their organisation. With local Instructors, Member organisations can readily run low-cost local workshops. Community-developed lessons enable our Instructors to globally share the effort for developing impactful lessons on technical topics. Memberships give The Carpentries revenue to ensure the ongoing development and maintenance of the lessons demanded by research communities. We also work to give your local Instructors support, mentorship, and a forum for community lesson development.

Membership Tiers

We offer five Membership levels, based on training activities expected annually. The cost for each Membership level is dependent on the purchasing organisation's geographic location, according to the World Bank's gross national income categorisation.

Membership Benefits
Bronze Silver Gold Platinum* Titanium
Number of Centrally-Organised workshops 2 2 1 0 0
Number of Instructors trained 0 5 16 15 0
Membership Fee (USD Annual)†
High income $3,600 $8,100 $16,200 $13,500 $5,000
Upper-middle income $2,700 $6,075 $12,150 $10,125 $3,750
Lower-middle income $1,800 $4,050 $8,100 $6,750 $2,500
Low income $900 $2,025 $4,050 $3,375 $1,250

*This tier is customizable based on organizational priorities.

†Non-profit fees shown. For-profit organisation fees are 4x listed price.

In addition to the benefits above, all Memberships include:

  • quarterly reports on benefit usage and trainee progress towards certification,
  • opportunity to submit a candidate for our Trainer Training course, through which individuals can become certified to teach our Instructor Training courses (additional fees apply),
  • unlimited self-organised workshops,
  • access to Member pricing for additional Centrally-Organised workshops and Instructor Training seats purchased during the membership year.

Membership Add-On Pricing

All membership levels are customizable. Members have access to discounted rates and may add Centrally-Orgnised Workshops or Instructor Training seats to their membership at any time.

Centrally-Organised Workshops Instructor Training Seat
High income $1,800 $900
Upper-middle income $1,350 $675
Lower-middle income $900 $450
Low income $450 $225

Trainer Discounts

Member organisations with active Instructor Trainers (also referred to as Trainers) may be eligible for a discount on their membership. For more details see our FAQ.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please consult our Membership FAQ page for more information about memberships, workshops, Instructor Training and Trainer Training. Our team is ready to answer any additional questions you may have. We are always interested in new members, and in participating in grants and other proposals. To reach us, or to find out more, please send us an email.

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