Coding with Crostini the ChromeOS Linux App
Submit your theme suggestions and venue bids for CarpentryCon 2020
How to connect with your Regional Coordinator
We're hiring a Regional Coordinator for Southern Africa!
Meet the NZ Regional Coordinator
An update on Library Carpentry lesson development
Collaboration and transparency: Keys to our improved Code of Conduct
Here's why you should attend #ccmcr19 from June 25 to 27, 2019.
Check out how The Carpentries team is supporting our community this quarter.
Sher! Shares the News
A two-day worldwide sprint held on 29-30 November 2018 to develop domain-relevant guides on FAIR.
Help inform our Code of Conduct Documentation. Attend the #CarpentriesConversation
Building the local South African Carpentries community through a CarpentryConnect.
What did the African Task Force Do in 2018 and what did we learn...