We teach foundational coding and data science skills to researchers worldwide.

The Carpentries Blog

Reproducible Data-Driven Discovery

Report back from the Curriculum Development Hackathon for Reproducible Research using Jupyter Notebooks and the Moore Foundation Early Career Researcher Symposium

A Year to Build a Software and Data Carpentry Community at the University of Florida - The Impact of a Local Instructor Training Workshop on Building Computing Capacity

Beginning the conversation: Potential merger with Data Carpentry

Carpentries Career Pathways Panel - Marianne Corvellec, Bernhard Konrad, Aleksandra Pawlik

Carpentries Career Pathways Panel - Marianne Corvellec, Bernhard Konrad, Aleksandra Pawlik

Job Opportunity: Community Development Lead

Job Opportunity: Community Development Lead

How we’re getting things done

How we're getting things done

Transfer of Learning

“How to navigate the inevitably awkward.”

Standing for Inclusivity: a Foundation for Our Teaching and Community

Standing for Inclusivity

Moving Forward

Moving Forward

15 - 31 January, 2017: JupyterCon, Steering Committee 2017, North West University, Programming skills .

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