We teach foundational coding and data science skills to researchers worldwide.

The Carpentries Blog

Data Carpentry supports I4OC

Promoting the unrestricted availability of scholarly citation data

Optimised for Learning

What's new in Library Carpentry

Be a part of Data Carpentry’s first lesson release!

We’re planning our first lesson release - learn how you can contribute!

Projects for Cycle Deimos

Long-Term Assessment Strategy

With the help of our community we added skills-based questions to our surveys!

Our first work cycle - Prometheus

Our first work cycle, Prometheus

“Here’s what we accomplished.”

Get Involved With Mentoring

Meet other instructors and help the community grow.

Get Involved With Mentoring

Updates from the Data Carpentry Steering Committee annual in-person meeting

A brief review of the past year and plans for the year ahead

1 - 28 February, 2017: Inclusivity, Career Pathway Panel, Community Development Lead, BaseCamp.

Ecology Issue Bonanza!!!

We’re planning our first lesson release - learn how you can contribute!

A Year to Build a Software and Data Carpentry Community at the University of Florida - The Impact of a Local Instructor Training Workshop on Building Computing Capacity

Run a workshop this Spring!

Attend our new ‘Run a Workshop!’ office hours.

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