We teach foundational coding and data science skills to researchers worldwide.

The Carpentries Blog

Instructor Access to Workshops

Working with hosts and instructors on workshop access

Instructor Access to Workshops

Working with hosts and instructors on workshop access

Projects for Cycle Phobos

Summary of the 2017 Software Carpentry Steering Committee Retreat

Apply to Become a Carpentry Instructor Trainer!

Apply to Become a Carpentry Instructor Trainer!

Cycle Deimos wrapup

“Here’s what we accomplished.”

Summary of May Community Call: Restructuring the Carpentries

Three Instructors, Two Coasts and One Spatula

1 - 15 May, 2017: Lesson Printing, Instructor training, Successes of the Carpentries.

What is the reward for empowering others?

May Community Call: Restructuring the Carpentries

Instructor Training in South Africa 2.0

How to print our lessons?

Plans for Windows Installer

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