We teach foundational coding and data science skills to researchers worldwide.

The Carpentries Blog

Request for Comment: Share your thoughts on the future of The Carpentries

Introducing Elizabeth Williams and Karen Word

Introducing Elizabeth Williams and Karen Word

Genomics Bug BBQ

Working to update the Genomics lessons

Community Service Awards - 2017 Edition

Dyslexia and Coding

What we can do in workshops to help people with dyslexia

New Staff Member

Lesson Infrastructure Subcommittee 2017 September meeting

This post will cover the topics discussed and their resolutions.

Lesson Infrastructure Subcommittee 2017 September meeting

Introducing SherAaron Hurt

Reporting on the Second Software Carpentry Workshop in Namibia

Software Carpentry Introduces Mauritian HPC Users to Tools for Data Analysis

The First Ever Data Carpentry in Ethiopia

Joint future for Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry

Joint future for Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry

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