We teach foundational coding and data science skills to researchers worldwide.

The Carpentries Blog

Carpentries Mentorship Program - 2.0

We’re starting a new round of mentoring groups, centered on specific lessons.

Work Cycle Ganymede Wraps Up

Here's what we accomplished

All about Membership

Round Two of the Carpentries Mentoring Program begins October 25th

Mentoring groups provide experienced instructors with the chance to help small groups develop confidence in teaching, lesson maintenance and community building.

Mentoring is Back! Round Two of the Carpentries Mentoring Program begins October 25th

Trainer Training Announcement

Trainer Training Announcement

Maintaining Lessons - Community Perspectives

1 - 30 September, 2017: Future of the Carpentries, New Staff Members, Community Service Awards, CarpentryCon

Toads in Vancouver: using Stencila to teach SQL and R at UBC

Invitación a Participar / Invitation to Participate

Invitación a Participar / Invitation to Participate

The Carpentries' In-Person Staff Meeting

Software Carpentry Lesson Maintenance: Be Part of the Conversation!

Request for Comment: Share your thoughts on the future of The Carpentries

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