We teach foundational coding and data science skills to researchers worldwide.

The Carpentries Blog

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Executive Council 1st 2018 Tertile Report

Executive Council 1st 2018 Tertile Report: Bylaws

Social Sciences Lessons Published!

Announcing publication of a Data Carpentry curriculum for social scientists.

Library Carpentry Hackathon a Great Success

Library Carpentry Hackathon a Great Success

The third sprint featured lots of updates and new curriculum, plus the development of a new website

Rethinking the Lesson Pipeline

Rethinking the Lesson Pipeline with reticulate

Library Carpentry at The University of Melbourne

The Carpentries Programmatic Assessment

The first joint quarterly report for The Carpentries programs

Book Review: Teaching What You Don't Know

Many Carpentries instructors may find themselves in the position of teaching material they do not know all that well

Building Carpentries Engagement in Your Communities

Leveraging the power of community

An extended Data Carpentry Workshop over 7 weeks instead of 2 days

Background to the workshop and lessons learned

April 2018 Bug BBQ Summary

A brief summary of the activity on our repository during the Bug BBQ

Launching The Carpentries Website

New website for access to all things Carpentries

Launching The Carpentries Website

“We release our new merged website to celebrate our new merged identity, and to complement information in The Carpentries Handbook.”

Poster, Program, Participation

Find all the latest news on CarpentryCon 2018

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