We teach foundational coding and data science skills to researchers worldwide.

The Carpentries Blog

Building Library Carpentry Community and Development

Building Library Carpentry Community and Development

Announcing Chris Erdmann as the new Library Carpentry Community and Development Director, starting 4 May, 2018.

Launching our New Handbook

Find new pathways to a range of Carpentries' materials

Launching Our New Handbook

Find new pathways to a range of Carpentries material

Developing GitHub labels for The Carpentries lessons

The process of developing GitHub labels for our lessons.

Mentoring Groups Open for Multiple Timezones

Mentoring Groups Open for Multiple Timezones

Did you miss the deadline to join a mentoring group?

How to be involved in the Bug BBQ?

A short guide on how to contribute and be involved during The Carpentries Bug BBQ.

How to be involved in the Bug BBQ?

A short guide on how to contribute and be involved during The Carpentries Bug BBQ.

DC Genomics Workshop, UC Davis, January 2018

Who Belongs at CarpentryCon 2018? You Do!

To be held in Dublin from 30 May - 1 June, 2018, CarpentryCon will be three action-packed days of skill ups, breakout sessions, talks, social events, and workshops.

Software Carpentry: Considering the Future

Webinar with Rochelle Tractenberg: Debrief

Webinar with Rochelle Tractenberg: Debrief

Welcome to New Trainers

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