We teach foundational coding and data science skills to researchers worldwide.

The Carpentries Blog

Announcing the June 2019 lesson release!

With great thanks to the more than 1100 people who have made this lesson release possible.

Reflections from a Carpentries Train the Trainer Workshop

In this post, Alexander Refsum Jensenius shares thoughts and takeaways from a recent Train the Trainer Workshop

The Carpentries Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Roadmap

We are paving the way for Inclusivity!

Developing Data Skills at Macquarie University Library

Drawing on Library Carpentry lessons, pedagogy and community

Teaching reproducible science with R to a wide range of experience levels

Phil Reed shares lessons from a recent R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis workshop

Workshop Participant Fees

To charge (a minimal) workshop fee or not to charge? That is the question

Building a Community for Digital Literacy at ZB MED: The Carpentries and HackyHours

A place where everyone can come together to share topics and learn from each other

Need Library Carpentry Stickers? Let Us Know!

Now you can request stickers until 30 June 2019!

Lessons Learned from our Call on Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility

It’s not enough to be invited to the party; we want you to be asked to dance!

2019 Instructor Development Committee (IDC) Meeting Schedule

IDC wants your feedback on 6/17

It's a Wrap! The 4th Library Carpentry-Mozilla Global Sprint Concludes.

63 sprinters from 8 countries and 35 institutions took part in the May 2019 sprint.

Financial Updates

Planning for The Carpentries' financial sustainability

Q2 Project Work at The Carpentries

Here's what The Carpentries team is working on in the second quarter of 2019.

Call for 2019 Mentoring Group Participation

Join a mentoring group!

The Carpentries in Australia: Community Discussion Summary

A summary of our community call on Carpentries activities in Australia

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