We teach foundational coding and data science skills to researchers worldwide.

The Carpentries Blog

Developing Support for Instructors in 2023

Read about our plans to improve Instructor onboarding and make it easier to teach our curricula.

Apply for the current round of Carpentries Maintainer Onboarding!

The Carpentries is preparing to onboard the next cohort of Maintainers. Applications due March 8th.

The Dovetail #15: Updates from The Carpentries Workbench

Stage 2 of the Beta Phase is Underway

Carpentries Trainer Training Applications are Open - Apply by 27 February!

Get certified to teach Instructor Training with The Carpentries!

Register your Carpentries Subcommunity

Updates on the Community Development Program

Launching Data Carpentry: Image Processing with Python

Announcing the stable release of a new curriculum teaching image processing skills. Sign up to host a workshop today!

Introducing The Carpentries Information Technology Developer, Eli Chadwick

The Carpentries welcomes Eli Chadwick, Information Technology Developer

We are Hiring a Communications Coordinator. Join Our Team.

Applicants in Mexico, Central America, South America and Southern Africa will receive priority consideration.

Calling for Volunteers to join a Lesson Program Governance Committee

Guide the development of Software Carpentry, Library Carpentry, or Data Carpentry

Announcing our new Deputy Director of Business

Talisha takes up leadership of the Business Team & Membership Program

The Dovetail #14: Updates from The Carpentries Workbench

Beta Phase to enter stage 2 in February

Multiple ways to follow-up after Carpentry trainings: Benefits, impacts and librarians’ wishes

Results from the Library Carpentry survey

Honoring Omar Khan, The Carpentries Communications Manager

Announcing a bittersweet transition for our friend and colleague

Introducing The Carpentries Director of Technology, Dr Rob Davey

The Carpentries welcomes Rob Davey, Director of Technology

Happy New Year from Dr. Kari L. Jordan, The Carpentries Executive Director

Welcome to 2023 at The Carpentries - A year dedicated to prioritising community health

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