We teach foundational coding and data science skills to researchers worldwide.

The Carpentries Blog

Pondering on the Question of Community Sustainability

This post provides a summary of discussions and takeaways from the Community Sustainability session that Serah Njambi Kiburu and Toby Hodges facilitated at the March 2021 SORSE workshop

Welcome to Trainers Leadership!

Please welcome the 5 new members of the Trainers Leadership group

Incubator Lesson Spotlight: Introduction to Open Data Science with R

Highlighting this lesson from The Carpentries Incubator, teaching Open data science skills with R and RStudio.

We Stand With Our Community Members of Asian Descent

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” -Martin Luther King, Jr.

Announcing New Members of the Library Carpentry Advisory Group

Please welcome the 7 new members of the Library Carpentry Advisory Group

Introducing our new Director of Partnerships

Al Obayuwana joins The Carpentries as Director of Partnerships

Call for Pilot Workshops: Neuroimaging Lessons

Help with the further improvement of these lessons from The Carpentries Incubator

Integration and reuse of Library Carpentry content into curricula

The Library Carpentry lessons are fantastic resources for teaching students.

Prioritising Accessibility in Organising Online Events

In this post, Serah Njambi Kiburu and Emily Lescak summarise Serah's presentation and discussions from her Code for Science and Society community talk on accessibility in virtual events, and share an accessibility checklist to guide you as you plan virtual events.

Introducing R lessons in Japanese

We share a complete bilingual R lesson in English and Japanese

Incubator Lesson Spotlight - Reproducible Computational Environments Using Containers: Introduction to Docker

Highlighting this introductory lesson from The Carpentries Incubator, on containerised computing with Docker.

Introducing our new Workshop Administrator Danielle Sieh

Danielle Sieh joins The Carpentries as Workshop Administrator

Improving Accessibility in The Carpentries

We are keen to improve accessibility across our interactions and resources in The Carpentries, and invite you to help.

Help Inform Translation Priorities for Carpentries Resources

We request your input in Carpentries Conversation 27 to help guide resource translation priorities and efforts by our community.

The Carpentries at rstudio::global(2021)

Join The Carpentries Team in informal chat sessions at rstudio::global(2021)'s 24-hour conference on January 21 2021

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