We teach foundational coding and data science skills to researchers worldwide.

The Carpentries Blog

Welcome Our First New Instructors of 2015

The Other Ninety Percent

Data Carpentry Genomics and Asssessment Hackathon

Announcing a Data Carpentry Genomics and Assessment Hackathon

University College London Becomes Software Carpentry Affiliate

Improving the Balance

Call for ELIXIR Node Coordinators

Workshops in Oxford

Post-Workshop Instructor Debriefing, Round 1

Feedback from Workshop at UFSC

Orwell, Dickens, and How We'll Know We're Done

2015 Election: Adina Howe

2015 Election: Ivan Gonzalez

2015 Election: Jonah Duckles

2015 Election: Tim Cerino

2015 Election: John Blischak

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