We teach foundational coding and data science skills to researchers worldwide.

The Carpentries Blog

Call for Candidates for the 2016 Steering Committee

Bank of America Merrill Lynch to sponsor the first Workshop for Women in Science and Engineering in the UK

Announcing Instructor Training Materials

Launching Pre Workshop Help Session

Intel to sponsor the first Workshop for Women in Science and Engineering in the UK

First Workshop in Venezuela

Library Carpentry - Fin, for now

Software Carpentry workshop at EITN in Paris

Data Science for Social Good: an Experiment in Data Science Training

Software Sustainability Institute Funding

December Instructor Training - Announcing Selected Groups

Assistant Director Position with Data Carpentry

Hiring an Associate Director

We're hiring an Associate Director to lead community engagement and education efforts

December Instructor Training Selection Debrief

Workshop in Brussels, 2-3 Nov 2015

At the beginning of November, Belgium held its first Data Carpentry workshop.

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