We teach foundational coding and data science skills to researchers worldwide.

The Carpentries Blog

Carpentry week 2016 at the University of Oslo

Installation Video Tutorials

Changes on Mentoring Subcommittee

Designing a New Novice Python Lesson

Maintaining a Lesson

AMY release v1.5.1

rOpenSci is Looking for a Community Manager

An R-based Instructor Training Sponsored by the R Consortium

Hello, Spatio-temporal Data Carpentry

News from the pilot of the spatial data Data Carpentry workshop

Hello, Spatio-temporal Data Carpentry

Announcing the Open Science Grid User School 2016

2015 Annual Report

Python Education Summit at PyCon 2016

4 - 18 March, 2016: Instructor Trainee Mentoring, Debriefing vs Lesson Sessions, Version Control, Big Data in Biology Summer School, New Lessons

Software and Data Carpentry Instructor Training Comes to Africa

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