We teach foundational coding and data science skills to researchers worldwide.

The Carpentries Blog

Belonging: Developing a Community of Practice among Data Carpentry Learners

When did you realize you belonged to the Carpentry community?

Systems Biology Postdoc Position with The Jackson Laboratory

Research Scientist Position at The Jackson Laboratory

Computational Genetics Postdoc Position with The Jackson Laboratory

Analysis of Data Carpentry Workshop Impact

Data Carpentry workshops have made a meaningful impact on the way learners view their ability to complete computational tasks.

RStudio Training and Consulting Directory

Library Carpentry workshop call

A Reproducibility Reading List

Tracy Teal on Research in Action

Close Cousins

New Book: Tidy Text Mining with R

The Rest Is Yet To Come

What the Carpentries Mean To Me

Call for Candidates for the 2017 Steering Committee

Programming as Theory Building

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