We teach foundational coding and data science skills to researchers worldwide.

The Carpentries Blog

A Successful 2nd RSE Conference

My Favorite Tool - QGIS

My Favorite tool - A Coding Sandbox

A Week o' Carpentry

Bringing Carpentries Training to the Federal Reserve Board

Green Stickies for 2017: Report from the Happy Holidays Green Sticky Party Calls

Our 2017 Community Service Award winner: Anelda van der Walt

Our 2017 Community Service Award winner: Anelda van der Walt

Announcing the 2018 Executive Council for the Carpentries

Announcing the 2018 Executive Council for the Carpentries

When Do Workshops Work? A Response to the 'Null Effects' paper from Feldon et al.

When Do Workshops Work?

My Favorite Tool - Todoist

Challenges Assessing Data Science

Poster Competition Now Open

Challenges Assessing Data Science

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