Registration Open for CarpentryConnect Heidelberg

A draft programme has also been updated for the November community event in Germany.

Registration has opened for the BioNT Community Event & CarpentryConnect Heidelberg 2024! Register to participate remotely or in-person before 15th September.

As a reminder, this regional event for members of The Carpentries and BioNT communities will include a diverse range of interactive and collaborative sessions. The event programme has been updated to include more information about the sessions and schedule.

The event will take place 12-14 November 2024, online and at EMBL Heidelberg.

We understand the importance of making this event accessible to everyone who wishes to participate, so we are offering an Inclusivity Ticket to waive the registration fee for 10 individuals with limited budgets (deadline: July 12th).

For more information, visit the event website and review our previous posts on the topic:

  1. Exciting updates from the CarpentryConnect Heidelberg 2024 organising committee, where we announced the three keynote speakers: Radhika S Khetani, Yanina Bellini Saibene, and Malvika Sharan.
  2. Proposal submission opens for CCHD24, where we provided more information about the theme of the event and the kinds of submissions we were hoping to receive.
  3. Join us for CarpentryConnect Heidelberg 2024! The initial announcement post, which presents further information including our motivations for the event.

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