All Carpentries Mailing Lists now moved to TopicBox
After a number of issues with spam, The Carpentries have moved all mailing lists away from Mailman to a new service called TopicBox.
Anyone on discuss
or other mailing lists we manage should have received an email by now to alert them to the switchover. You should
now be receiving all posts to lists you have joined through the new TopicBox mailing list service.
TopicBox will consolidate all of our public email lists to be accessible and browsable in one place. If you visit the web interface for TopicBox, you will see that we have moved over the archives of all former Mailman lists. Threads and individual emails have permalinks that can be used to share threads and specific posts. We hope that this simple and clean user interface will help us more readily link to and share the interesting conversations of our past, present and future together.
We tried to preserve the digest
flag many of you have set, but if you start getting non-digest emails,
you can login with your email address (a onetime password will be sent to it) and configure your delivery preferences.
You can also set a preferred password and 2nd factor authentication if you’d like.
Many of you have subscriptions across multiple email accounts. If so, please consider consolidating those, as the user experience
will be much better for you once you make the change. Each email sent from a list will include a one-line footer at the bottom which will
link you to a web-based view of your subscriptions and account.
You can access your profile and read lists publicly at
For most of you, we hope this will prove to be a relatively transparent transition. You do not have to take any action to continue to receive our community conversations in your inbox. Creating a web account will however give you a new and consolidated window on the buzz of activities going on in and around The Carpentries and will help you stay on top of new threads and conversations.
If you have any questions, concerns, or problems, please let Jonah Duckles know. Email him at