Community Lessons
The Carpentries community is committed to a collaborative and open process for lesson development and to sharing teaching materials. We provide two avenues for community members to share lesson materials - The Carpentries Incubator and The Carpentries Lab.
The Carpentries Incubator is for:
- Collaborative lesson development (from conceptual to stable lessons).
- Providing visibility for lessons that are being worked on.
The Carpentries Lab is for:
- Peer-reviewed, short-format, lessons that use the teaching approach and lesson design from The Carpentries.
- Submitting lessons for peer-review in a way traditional journal peer-review would not be able to provide.
Browse Community Developed Lessons
Explore the full collection of lessons developed by The Carpentries community in the table below. The table includes all lesson repositories in The Carpentries Incubator and Carpentries Lab.
Lesson Title | Repository | Life Cycle State | Tags | Organisation |
From a Spreadsheet to a Database | capstone-novice-spreadsheet-biblio | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Extra Unix Shell Material | shell-extras | stable |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Programming with GAP | gap-lesson | stable |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Python Testing and Continuous Integration | python-testing | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
SageMath Software Carpentry Lesson | sage-lesson | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
An Introduction to High Performance Computing | hpc-intro | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Version Control with Git | git-novice-branch-pr | beta |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Python for Humanities | python-humanities-lesson | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Data Organization in Spreadsheets for Humanities | spreadsheet-humanities-lesson | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
SQL for Humanities | sql-humanities-lesson | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Open Refine for Humanities | OpenRefine-humanities-lesson | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Python for Business | python-business | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Introduction to web scraping | lc-webscraping | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Materials for a workshop introducing machine learning to biologists | ml4bio-workshop | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Packaging and Publishing with Python | python-packaging-publishing | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Git Using RStudio | git-Rstudio-course | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Introduction to the Internet of Things (IoT) | IoT_arduino_nano | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Statistical Inference for Biology | statistical-inference-for-biology | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Workflows with Python and Git | swc-ext-python | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Learn Deep Learning with Python | deep-learning-intro | beta |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Interactive Maps in the Jupyter Notebook | jupyter_maps | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Working with EEGLAB and BIDS-EEG | SDC-BIDS-EEG-EEGLAB | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
fMRI Imaging Analysis | SDC-BIDS-fMRI | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Processing data with EEGLAB | SDC-EEGLAB | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Introduction to Conda for (Data) Scientists | introduction-to-conda-for-data-scientists | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
A Carpentry style lesson on machine learning with Python and scikit-learn. | machine-learning-novice-sklearn | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Introduction to Geospatial Raster and Vector Data with Python | geospatial-python | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Introduction to dMRI | SDC-BIDS-dMRI | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Reproducible Computational Environments using Containers | docker-introduction | beta |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Library Carpentry: XML - not currently maintained. | lc-xml | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Data Science For Practicing Clinicians | Data-Science-for-Docs | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Introduction to Jupyter notebooks | jupyter-notebooks-intro | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Introduction to Workflows with Common Workflow Language | cwl-novice-tutorial | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Introduction to MRI and BIDS | SDC-BIDS-IntroMRI | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
One-day Snakemake workshop. | workflows-snakemake | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Carpentry-style lesson on how to use R, RStudio together with git & Github to promote Open Science practices. | open-science-with-r | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Life Sciences Workshop | life-sciences-workshop | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Library Carpentry: Introduction to R and litsearchr | lc-litsearchr | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Lesson: Introduction to TEI (under development) | tei-xml | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
R for Survival Analysis | r-survival-analysis | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Parallel Programming in Python | lesson-parallel-python | beta |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Material for a lesson introducing PyMARC | pymarc_basics | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
GPU Speedups in Python | gpu-speedups | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
"Intermediate Research Software Development Skills (Python)" Lesson Material | python-intermediate-development | beta |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Building Websites with Jekyll & GitHub Pages. | jekyll-pages-novice | beta |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
EukRef PR2 | eukref_pr2 | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
R for Artists | r-for-artists | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Data Harvesting for Agriculture | data-harvesting-for-agriculture | beta |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
An introduction to singularity | singularity-introduction | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Data Carpentry for Camera Traps | camera-traps | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Bioconductor data science introduction | bioc-intro | beta |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Introduction to the Bioconductor project | bioc-project | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Analysis and Interpretation of Bulk RNA-Seq Data using Bioconductor | bioc-rnaseq | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
A lesson exploring the Julia language | julia-novice | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
SQL for Business | sql-business | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
GPU Programming with Python and CUDA. | lesson-gpu-programming | beta |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Text Analysis with Python | python-text-analysis | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
An Introduction to Java Programming | java-intro | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
A lesson teaching analysis of microbial amplicon data | microbial-amplicon-analysis | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Statistical analysis in R for public health. | statistics-r-public-health | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Comparison of data objects in R | r-object-comparison-waldo | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Statistical thinking for public health | statistical-thinking-public-health | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Simple linear regression for public health | simple-linear-regression-public-health | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Multiple linear regression for public health | multiple-linear-regression-public-health | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Logistic regression for public health | logistic-regression-public-health | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Linear mixed effects modelling for public health | linear-mixed-models-public-health | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Workflow management with Nextflow and nf-core | workflows-nextflow | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Introduction to Machine Learning with Python | machine-learning-novice-python | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Introduction to Machine Learning with R | machine-learning-novice-r | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Learn Julia workflows for data-intensive research | julia-data-workflow | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Flight data analysis to detect features relevant to the continual improvement of safety. | python-EOFDM-precursors | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Introduction to AI for GLAM | machine-learning-librarians-archivists | beta |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Typesetting in LaTeX | latex-novice-typesetting | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Novice Spyder | ide-novice-spyder | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Data management and analytic pipelines for engineers | python-pandas-power-consumption | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Programming with Java | java-novice-inflammation | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Frictionless Data for Agriculture Research | frictionless-data-agriculture | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Introduction to QFeatures, Bioconductor data object for proteomics | proteomics-novice-qfeatures | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
R Packaging | lesson-R-packaging | beta |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Making Code Citable | citable-software | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Single-cell RNA Sequencing Data Analysis | scrna-seq-analysis | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Relational Databases for Genealogists and Family Historians | relational-database-genealogy | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Structural Neuroimaging Analysis in Python | SDC-BIDS-sMRI | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Supervised Learning with Python | ml-python-supervised-learning | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Deploying Applications on Kubernetes | k8s-deployment-novice | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Introduction to Snakemake for Bioinformatics | snakemake-novice-bioinformatics | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
High-dimensional statistics with R | high-dimensional-stats-r | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
FAIR in (biological) practice | fair-bio-practice | beta |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Introduction to Markdown | markdown-intro | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Carpentries Incubator lesson to learn how to build blog sites with Hugo and GitHub Pages | blogging-with-hugo-and-github-pages | beta |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Foundational Computer Skills | foundational-computer-skills | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Genome Mining in Prokaryotes | genome-mining | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Pangenome Analysis in Prokaryotes Lesson | pangenomics | beta |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Regular Expressions for Biologists | regex-novice-biology | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Creating Interactive Data Visualizations with Python | python-interactive-data-visualizations | beta |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
FAIR for leaders | fair-for-leaders | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Managing Open and Reproducible Computational Projects | managing-computational-projects | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Exploring and Modeling High-Dimensional Data | high-dimensional-analysis-in-python | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
An introduction to Python for non-programmers using Gapminder data | python-novice-programming-gapminder | beta |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Introduction to tree models with Python | machine-learning-trees-python | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Introduction to responsible machine learning with Python | machine-learning-responsible-python | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Introduction to artificial neural nets with Python | machine-learning-neural-python | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Introduction to Reproducible Publications with Quarto | reproducible-publications-quarto | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
CarpentriesOffline is a project that aims to bring Carpentries workshops to areas where there is no or limited Internet access. This repository contains a lesson in the Carpentries format for training Carpentries instructors to use the CarpentriesOffline hardware and software infrastructure in such a workshop. | CarpentriesOffline_Instructor_Onboarding_obsolete | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Introduction to Data Science and AI for senior researchers | data-science-ai-senior-researchers | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
A Data-Carpentry-style lesson on some ML techniques in R | r-ml-tabular-data | beta |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Introduction to GitLab | gitlab-novice | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Neuroimaging Workshop | neuroimaging-workshop | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Introduction to Zotero lesson | zotero-intro | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Data Analysis and Visualization in R for Archaologists, modified from the Data Carpentry R Workshop for Ecologists. Course site at | R-archaeology-lesson | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Multidimensional Biodiversity Data | multidimensional-biodiversity-data | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Introduction to Harvesting Twitter Data with Twarc | twitter-with-twarc | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Pangenomics Workshop Overview | pangenomics-workshop | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Workbench version of CarpentriesOffline Instructor Onboarding | CarpentriesOffline_Instructor_Onboarding | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
a Carpentries-style lesson introducing the basics of data visualization | intro-data-viz | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
R and the Tidyverse for working with data | r-tidyverse-4-datasets | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Introduction to the Command Line for Pangenomics | shell-pangenomics | beta |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Advanced Git Version Control | advanced-git | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
An introduction to the Internet of things using a motorcontroller and sensors | iot-novice | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Modeling Time Series Data for Engineers | python-modeling-power-consumption | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Clustering and Classifying Time Series Data for Engineers | python-classifying-power-consumption | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
R for Ecology --- Intermediate | R-ecology-lesson-intermediate | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Biological Data Exploration with ENCODE | encode-data-exploration | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Intermediate Research Software Development Skills In Python for Earth Sciences | python-intermediate-development-earth-sciences | beta |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
A lesson on Python packaging and publishing, built using the Carpentries Workbench | python_packaging | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Reinforcement learning in Python | machine-learning-reinforcement-python | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Introduction to the Fundamentals of Scientific Metadata | scientific-metadata | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Genome Mining Workshop Overview | genome-mining-workshop | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
FAIR Data Management for Long-term Agriculture Experiments | fair-data-management-agriculture | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Pre-alpha {targets} workshop | targets-workshop | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
HPC Workflow Management with Snakemake | hpc-workflows | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
new lesson on image classification with convolutional neural networks | intro-image-classification-cnn | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Business Analytics in R | business-analytics-r | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Introduction to Probabilistic Programming | statistical-probabilistic-programming-r | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Data Organization in Spreadsheets to Ease Further Processing | data-organisation-for-better-analysis | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
RNA-Seq: Data Readiness for Machine Learning Applications | rna-seq-data-for-ml | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
A lesson to teach GitHub Without Command Line | github-without-command-line | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Introduces the concepts and framework of Indigenous Data Sovereignty and Governance. | Indigenous-Data-Sovereignty | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
An introduction to managing diagnostic and clinical data to manage research-compatible line lists | line-list-management | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Managing and Retrieving Metagenomics Data with MGnify | mgnify-metagenomics | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Introduction to Modern Fortran | intro-to-modern-fortran | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
FAIRification of RNAseq Data | FAIRification-of-RNAseq-Data | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Geospatial Data Carpentry with R for Urbanists | r-geospatial-urban | beta |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
A course on tools and practices for open, sustainable and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) research software | fair-research-software | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Fundamentals of natural language processing with Python | Natural-language-processing | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Single-cell RNAseq materials derived from the 2023 ISMB OSCA workshop in the carpentries workbench format. | bioc-scrnaseq | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Introduction to Python: Pangenomics | pangenomics-python | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Topological data analysis for Comparative Genomics | topological-data-analysis | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Open Climate Data for Agricultural Science and Land Management | open-climate-data-agriculture | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Intro to Git and collaborative version control | collaborative-git-and-github-lesson | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
HPC Workflow Management with Maestro | HPC-workflow-lesson-maestro | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
An introduction to apptainer | apptainer-introduction | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Medical Image Processing with Python | medical-image-processing | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
A short course on FAIR and data managment for biomedical research | fair-for-busy-biologists | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
CW24 Hack Day project - Carpentries-style lesson "Task Management for Humans as Self Care" | task-management | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
A lesson on getting unstuck in R, debugging, making reproducible examples (for biologists) | R-help-reprexes | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Reproducible Computational Environments Using Containers: Introduction to Kubernetes | kubernetes-introduction | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Particle Physics in Python | python-particle-physics | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Introduction to Large Language Models in Python | intro-LLMs-python | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
AI-assisted Coding with Codeium / GitHub Copilot | gen-ai-coding | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Evaluating AI in Teacher Performance Reviews: Benefits, Biases, and Best Practices | ai-teacher-feedback-lesson | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Performance Profiling & Optimisation of Research Code (Python) - Short Course | pando-python | alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Learn how to run predictive AI/ML procedures (train, tune, etc.) using AWS SageMaker | ML_with_AWS_SageMaker | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
An introduction to deep learning for geospatial raster data (satellite images) | deep-learning-geospatial | pre-alpha |
| The Carpentries Incubator |
Python for Atmosphere and Ocean Scientists | python-aos-lesson | beta |
| The Carpentries Lab |
Data Processing and Visualization for Metagenomics | metagenomics-analysis | stable |
| The Carpentries Lab |
Introduction to R for Metagenomics | metagenomics-R | stable |
| The Carpentries Lab |
Metagenomics Workshop Overview | metagenomics-workshop | stable |
| The Carpentries Lab |
Introduction to the Command Line for Metagenomics | metagenomics-shell | stable |
| The Carpentries Lab |
Good Enough Practices in Scientific Computing | good-enough-practices | stable |
| The Carpentries Lab |
Project Organization and Management for Metagenomics | metagenomics-organization | stable |
| The Carpentries Lab |
The Carpentries Incubator
The Carpentries Incubator is a place for Carpentries community members to share Carpentries-style teaching materials at all stages of development, to collaborate on lesson development, and receive feedback from other community members.
Lessons in The Carpentries Incubator are developed and supported by community members and are not officially endorsed by The Carpentries. We encourage you to browse the Incubator lessons for materials that meet your needs and to use these materials freely (all lessons are licensed CC-BY 4.0). However, we are unable to offer workshops teaching these lessons upon request.
If you are interested in developing or submitting a lesson, please visit the Proposals repository for The Carpentries Incubator. Please read the information on our Development of Lessons page if you would like to contribute to the development of a lesson already present in The Carpentries Incubator. You can also find a list of issues in need of attention on the Help Wanted page.
The Carpentries Lab
The Carpentries Lab is a place for sharing high-quality, peer-reviewed lessons that follow best practices in pedagogy and the general teaching practices used in Carpentries workshops.
Lessons in The Carpentries Lab have been peer-reviewed and are vetted by The Carpentries as high-quality resources. We encourage you to browse the Lab lessons for materials that meet your needs and to use these materials freely (all lessons are licensed CC-BY 4.0). However, we are unable to offer workshops teaching these lessons upon request.
While we pilot our review process, we can commit only to review lessons that have been invited to submit to The Carpentries Lab. Authors who have not been invited may still submit a lesson for review, but can expect some delay in the processing of their request. For more information about The Carpentries Lab and the open peer review process, please visit the reviews repository.
Information for Lesson Developers
The table on this page is created based on the topic annotations on repositories in The Carpentries Incubator and Carpentries Lab. If you are developing a lesson in the Incubator but do not see it listed above, check that your lesson repository has topic tags assigned, including the “lesson” tag. Topics can be added to a lesson repository by editing the repository About box, near the top right of the repository homepage interface. More guidance for adding topics to a lesson repository is provided in the Lesson Developer Handbook. Changes to the lesson repository may take several hours to be updated on this page.
If you have added the appropriate topics on your lesson repository and it still does not appear in the table above, please contact the Incubator team at