1 - 30 April, 2017: Library Carpentry, Instructor training, relevant to Learning.
This post originally appeared on the Software Carpentry website.
- Great news for Library Carpentry, we won the British Library Labs Awards 2016.
- University of Puerto Rico taught an Instructor Training Workshop and it was special in many ways.
- Libarary Carpentry along with Mozilla science lab will have a lesson sprint in June 2017.
- Have you considered making a donation to Software Carpentry?
- Author Carpentry a research training initiative complementary to Software and DataCarpentry.
- A great atricle for a Software Carpentry Workshop.
- To folks in Software Carpentry: please take the survey in this blog post and sign up for the community calls!
The Carpentries stay relevant and optimized for learning because it is intergrated into the community.
Please share your thoughts on the software used to teach the shell lesson.
12 workshops were run over the past 30 days. For more information about past workshops, please visit our website.
Upcoming Workhshops:
- May
- Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, NIH Bldg. 10 Library,The University of Leeds, Scion Research and NeSI,University of Pennsylvania, University of Edinburgh,Oklahoma State University, University of Alberta,McMaster Software Carpentry Workshop, Macquarie University,West Virginia University (WVU), University of Arkansas,State Water Agencies, University of St Andrews,Griffith University.
- June
- IRI Life Sciences, Macquarie University, Queen Mary University of London, UW Madison, University of Auckland, UQ Winter School.
- September
- University of Würzburg.