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Science Educator/Evaluator Position at NEON

This post originally appeared on the Software Carpentry website.

The National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) is looking for a Science Educator/Evaluator (SEE). This person will coordinate development and implementation of NEON's Education and Public Engagement (EDU) program/product evaluation plans. The program includes web-based educational resources, university student programs, and citizen science programs, as well as learning resources for university students and faculty. The SEE will coordinate the development of measures for assessing implementation and outcomes of existing programs and new programs as they are developed. The SEE will also work with scientists/science educators to develop learning modules that are pedagogically appropriate for undergraduate students and assessment tools that enable evaluation of the effectiveness of these learning modules. An important part of this effort will be coordination of collection and analysis of data to assess NEON EDU program impact on a variety of audiences (including university students and faculty, scientists, the general public, educators (formal and informal), and other program stakeholders). The SEE will work closely with NEON EDU management and with contractors hired to provide external evaluation of EDU program goals. The SEE will work out of NEON HQ offices in Boulder, Colorado.

For more information, please see the full advertisement.