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Templates: We Live, We Learn

This post originally appeared on the Software Carpentry website.

We have partially converted four of our core lessons to the new lesson template, and are making a few tweaks as a result. The most important of these is to move the source files for a lesson's web pages out of a pages sub-directory and into the root directory, so that (for example) the first topic in a lesson will be ./01-intro.md rather than ./pages/01-intro.md.

Doing this means that the Markdown source files will be in the same directory as the HTML pages compiled from them. That's generally considered a bad thing, since (a) it makes it harder for people to tell source files from generated files and (b) the chances of accidentally deleting source files when you just meant to delete generated files goes up significantly. We think it's the right choice in this case because:

  1. Some lesson source is executable, such as R Markdown files or IPython Notebooks. If we put those in a sub-directory called pages, they have to refer to external data files and images as ../data/datafile.csv and ../img/image.png. When we compile them to create HTML pages in the root directory, though, those paths need to change, which adds a post-processing step we'd rather not have to build and maintain.

  2. Novice contributors find the flatter structure with unchanging file paths easier to understand, in part because it more closely mirrors the way a researcher would lay out one of her papers.

A pull request to make this change is under review right now; we hope to merge it later today, and then patch the partially-translated lessons to match by the end of the week. I hope this will be the last big change to the template; if nothing else, the past few weeks have illustrated two core rules of engineering:

  1. There's no such thing as right and wrong: there's only better and worse. Putting generated files in the same directory as source files is generally a bad idea, but in this case, the pros outweigh the cons.

  2. The only way to tell if something works is to build it. We have a lot of experience writing lessons, and put a lot of thought into the new templates. We still made the wrong call on this aspect of layout, but I don't feel bad about that: if we get 90% of things right, 90% of the time, we're doing pretty well.