Announcing the Creation of the Software Carpentry Foundation
This post originally appeared on the Software Carpentry website.
In order to foster Software Carpentry's continued growth, we are pleased to announce that we are creating an independent Software Carpentry Foundation (SCF). Like other non-profit open source foundations, it will decide Software Carpentry's overall scope and direction, manage its finances, and hold its intellectual property.
In order to work through the details have assembled an interim board drawn from a wide cross-section of our community:
- Jenny Bryan (University of British Columbia)
- Neil Chue Hong (University of Edinburgh / Software Sustainability Institute)
- Carole Goble (University of Manchester / ELIXIR UK)
- Josh Greenberg (Sloan Foundation (non-voting))
- Katy Huff (University of California Berkeley)
- Damien Irving (University of Melbourne / Research Platforms)
- Adam Stone (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Tracy Teal (Michigan State University / Data Carpentry)
- Kaitlin Thaney (Mozilla Science Lab)
- Greg Wilson (Software Carpentry)
This group's mandate is to draft the SCF's initial bylaws and get the foundation legal standing, then arrange the transition to the first permanent board some time early in 2015. Until then, we will continue to do what we have always done: teach scientists and engineers how to use computers to do more research in less time and with less pain.
Our thanks to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Mozilla Foundation, the Software Sustainability Institute, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Research Bazaar, and everyone else listed on our partners page for their sponsorship, and to all of our volunteer instructors for making Software Carpentry possible.