This post originally appeared on the Software Carpentry website.
Our first bootcamp for women in science and engineering is just wrapping up in Boston. It's gone very well—we'll be posting a summary soon, but in the meanwhile, here are a few things attendees can do as follow-up:
- Software Carpentry has video tutorials for self-paced online learning that go into more depth.
- Get real-time help on IRC channels (all found on the Freenode network at
Chatzilla, the Firefox plugin, is a good IRC client.Python: #python SciPy: #scipy Git: #git R: #R - Join a meetup group:
- Boston Python User's Group (The advanced room instructor, Jessica McKellar, is an organizer for this meetup group.)
- PyLadies Boston
- Greater Boston useR Group (for the R programming language)
- Come to PyData Boston 2013, July 27-28 2013 at Microsoft NERD in Cambridge, MA. This event "... address[es] the large-scale data management challenges affecting all genres of science and industry."
- Become a Software Carpentry instructor! We run an online training course for people like you who'd like to help others learn this material. If you'd like to take part, please send us an email.