Advice From a Newbie No More
This post originally appeared on the Software Carpentry website.
Adina Chuang-Howe recently wrote a great blog post titled "Advice from newbie to newbie", in which she gives some advice to her younger and not-yet-computationally-proficient self:
- Commit (and stop whining)
- Use the right tool for the job
- Take Command
- Install and use a text editor
- Learn to manipulate files
- Shortcuts!
- Learn a programming language
- Become addicted to print statements (I'd actually say " a debugger", but never mind)
- Do something relevant
- Start automating
and most importantly of all: "You can do it!" The full article is great advice to anyone who's getting into computing, scientific or otherwise, and well worth reading.
Which raises the question: what advice would you give your younger self?