A Good Afternoon
This post originally appeared on the Software Carpentry website.
Yesterday afternoon, the students and ninety other guests were treated to six engaging talks about Science 2.0 from Titus Brown, Cameron Neylon, Victoria Stodden, David Rich, Michael Nielsen, and Jon Udell. We'll post slides and video here as soon as we get them; until then, you can catch up on what happened in the FriendFeed room or by reading Steve Easterbrook's real-time blog of the event.
Our thanks once again to everyone who made the day possible:
- MaRS for the space,
- MITACS and Cybera for funding,
- SciNet, Steve Easterbrook, and an anonymous donor for additional sponsorship,
- our student volunteers for taking care of all the little things, and most especially
- Jennifer Dodd for organizing it all.
- Andrew Louis has posted some pictures; we'd be grateful for pointers to more.
- Joey deVilla's notes and photos from Titus Brown's opening talk.
- ...and from Cameron Neylon's talk on open notebook science (which are echoed at the MSDN Developer Connection blog)...
- ...and from Victoria Stodden's (which are ditto).
- Jon Udell has some thoughts about LaTeX-in-the-web and user innovation.
- Cameron Neylon discusses both the undergrad student demos he saw in the morning, and the Science 2.0 talks from the afternoon.
- Titus Brown's impressions.
- Andrew Petersen thinks it'll be a long time coming.