SciPy'07 Dates Announced
This post originally appeared on the Software Carpentry website.
According to, The SciPy 2007 Conference will be on August 16-17 this year; tutorials and sprints will run on the 14th, 15th, and 18th. I won't be able to attend (new baby), but I'd like to organize a half-day or one-day session to update and extend the Software Carpentry notes. Lots of modules need writing, both on Python-specific stuff and on general software engineering skills for scientists and engineers. I'd particularly like to see:
- A lecture or two on NumPy (used to have one, it fell behind Travis Oliphant's coding, and it's probably now the biggest gap in the lectures)
- A whole lecture on the subprocess module, job control, and remote execution
- A second lecture on security
- Some screencasts on Python IDEs (Wing 101, IDLE, Eclipse, and Komodo)
- A lecture on connecting to C and Fortran
- A lecture on design patterns
- A lecture on professional ethics and responsibilities
- And stuff on requirements, traceability, data lineage, and, oh, what else do you want?
If you're interested, please let me know...