Oh My God It's Django!
This post originally appeared on the Software Carpentry website.
Guido just pronounced: Django is the web framework
- Won't be part of the core, but will be as "standard" as PIL or NumPy
- This was not what I expected the outcome of my talk would be, but hey, I'll take it ;-)
- He hopes that Django and TurboGears will converge
Eric Jones: Enthought Tool Suite
- Enthought does open source software and consulting for scientific computing with Python
- One of the sponsors of this conference
- Providing hosting for Software Carpentry
- Walked through traits and other offerings
Chris Mueller: Synthetic Programming with Python
- A Python library for generating assembly code for the Power PC
- Get rid of the many layers between Python and the hardware
- Great performance for great effort (up-front about that)
- Q: How do you debug? A: insert an illegal instruction, back up a few bytes, single-step in GDB
- Interested in multi-language debugger, but interested in a lot of other things as well
Prabhu Ramachandran: 3D Visualization
- Author of MayaVi, a better (more Pythonic) wrapper for VTK
- Impressive — hides as much of the guff in complex 3D scientific visualization as it can
Andrew Straw: Realtime Computing with Python
- The Grand Unified Fly: a computational simulation of a fruit fly
- Use Python for high-level stuff, and real-time for sub-millisecond control of motors, etc.
- Program $20 microcontrollers with Python
- E.g., Flydra is a multi-headed camera+FireWire system to track fly motion
Lightning Talks
- Mike Ressler: Prototyping Mid-Infrared Detector Data Processing Algorithms
- Classic data crunching with NumPy
- Brian Granger: The State of IPython
- Sales pitch
- Travis Oliphant: Array Interface BOF
- Please for people to help put together PEP for arrays in Python
- Travis Vaught: Enstaller
- Enhancements to Python Egg system (with GUI)
- Worth tracking
- Michel Sanner: The Current State of Vision
- Update on a visual builder for image processing pipelines
- Very cool — but lots of overlap (it seems) with MayaVi
- Peter Wang: Quick Overview of Chaco
- 2D plotting library
- Repeat of slides from yesterday's tutorial
William Stein: Software for Algebra and Geometry Experimentation
- SAGE bundles together lots of other packages used for algebra and exact computation
- Very particular about getting his whole half hour, despite the late hour ;-)
Alex Clemesha: Mathematica-like Plotting for SAGE
- Slow cruise through SAGE's graphics
- As with web frameworks, Python has too many plotting packages for its own good
Diane Trout: BioHub
- There's a lotof sequence data out there
- And collection is accelerating rapidly
- BioHub is a Python interface for large-scale genomic analysis
- A database to link diverse annotation sources
- I didn't know that genes have version numbers... ;-)
Greg Wilson: Software Carpentry
- Last talk of the day — some locals had already headed home, but there were about 70 people present
- Went well, but no one's offering to teach the course at their institution this fall
- Slides available online