The table below lists all lessons labelled “Help wanted” and/or “good first issue” on many of our repositories and lesson repositories in The Carpentries Incubator. We hope it will help you find opportunities to contribute to Carpentries lessons and projects. The table can be sorted and filtered based on the contents of its columns: click on a heading cell to sort the rows by that column, or type a term into the box included in a header cell to filter the table rows by cells in that column which contain that term.

If you are a Maintainer and would like to include issues from your lesson repository in this table, please read the Information for Lesson Maintainers at the end of the page.

Information for Maintainers

Repositories are included in this page at the maintainers’ discretion: if you are a Maintainer of a lesson from The Carpentries, Software Carpentry, Data Carpentry, Library Carpentry, The Carpentries Incubator, or The Carpentries Lab and would like to add your repository to, or remove your repository from this listing, please send an email to

Read this guide to learn more about how and when to add “help wanted” and other labels to issues on your lesson repository.