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Access for All

Accessibility at The Carpentries

The Executive Council Annual Retreat for 2022

In this blog post, the Executive Council Communications Committee highlights events and learnings from the annual Executive Council Retreat

Introducing The CarpentryCon 2022 Keynote Presentations

CarpentryCon 2022 starts this week! Here are the Keynote Presentations to be ready for!

We are Hiring an Information Technology Developer. Join Our Team.

Applications received before 25 August at 11:59 PM (anywhere on earth) will receive full consideration.

Running Software/Data and Library Carpentries workshops offline

This blog post is the first of a series to share progress of the CarpentriesOffline project

Honoring François Michonneau - Senior Director of Technology

In this post, we reflect on Dr. François Michonneau’s time at The Carpentries on his last day