Kari L. Jordan
Challenges Assessing Data Science
What is data science? What are the core competencies?
Kari L. Jordan
Stephen Childs
Alycia Crall
Reshama Shaikh
Aleksandra Nenadic
Karen Word
Louisa Bells
Pilot Survey Focus Group Update
Outcomes from focus group to discuss Data Carpentry’s survey instruments
Our long-term assessment results are in!
A discussion of learner outcomes more than six months after attending a Carpentries workshop.
Carpentries Mentorship Program - 2.0
We’re starting a new round of mentoring groups, centered on specific lessons.
Round Two of the Carpentries Mentoring Program begins October 25th
Mentoring groups provide experienced instructors with the chance to help small groups develop confidence in teaching, lesson maintenance and community building.
Reflections on Assessment
Data Carpentry launches Skills-Based Pre- and Post-Workshop Surveys