Introducing the New Editors of The Carpentries Lab

Supporting peer review of lessons from the community

I am delighted to welcome three new Editors to The Carpentries Lab, our platform for open peer review of community lessons. In February of this year, I made a call for volunteers to take responsibility for managing reviews in the Lab. The response from the community was phenomenal, and today I am thrilled to be joined by Federica Gazzelloni, Dimitrios Theodorakis, and Sébastien Vigneau. With support from the Curriculum Team, Federica, Dimitrios, and Sébastien will manage reviews as publicly-visible issue threads on the Lab Reviews repository. As Editors, they will process review requests, undertaking initial editorial checks before contacting and assigning community members to review lessons.

Editor biographies

Federica Gazzelloni

I am a dedicated statistician and actuary with experience in teaching workshops and tutorials. My roles include being a Certified Carpentries Instructor and Lead Organizer for R-Ladies Rome. I have taught the Software Carpentry (Programming with R) and Library Carpentry curricula. Additionally, I have set up tailored tutorials and lessons, contributed to open-source projects, and engaged in peer review.

Dimitrios Theodorakis

I am a recovering secondary school teacher now research software engineer. Through The Carpentries community I am helping to create a Fortran curriculum using the Workbench and I currently sit on an outreach grant panel.

Sébastien Vigneau

I am a computational biologist currently working in a biotech company after many years in academia. My main areas of expertise are in gene expression and epigenetics, including the analysis of bulk and single-cell RNA-seq and large functional screens. I have previously taught workshops with the Carpentries, organized and facilitated learning circles with Peer 2 Peer University and BosLab, and designed an introductory biology course with the University of the People. Throughout my academic career, I have also gained experience in peer-reviewing scientific articles and contributed to open-source software and open-access datasets. In my new role as a Carpentries Lab editor, I am excited to support the Carpentries community in releasing more high-quality, open-source teaching material.

Next steps

The editorial team has begun clearing the backlog of reviews that have built up over recent months. While lessons already submitted will be prioritised for review, submissions to the Lab are open to any community-developed lessons that:

  • use The Carpentries lesson infrastructure (either the previous or current incarnation)
  • have been beta tested at least twice
  • are licensed CC-BY or CC0
  • abide by The Carpentries Code of Conduct

A lesson is particularly well-suited to The Carpentries Lab if it:

  • teaches skills related to those covered by The Carpentries existing Lesson Programs.
  • can be taught in 1.5, 3, or 6 hours.
  • teaches open-source tools where possible.

Visit the Lab Reviews repository for more information about the review process. Please contact the Curriculum Team with your questions about The Carpentries Lab.

Dialogue & Discussion

Comments must follow our Code of Conduct.

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