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So How Is Instructor Training Going?

This post originally appeared on the Software Carpentry website.

We recently wrapped up the latest round of instructor training, which makes this a good time to look at how well the program is doing. Here are stats on the first six rounds:

12011 (55%)
22511 (44%)
3132 (18%)
42713 (48%)
54512 (25%)
64118 (44%)
Overall17167 (39%)

A 39% completion rate would be nothing to brag about in a regular class, but it's several times higher than most online courses achieve. 57 people are currently taking part in our seventh cohort, 69 are due to start in mid-January, and registration will open next month for a live three-day version of the course in Toronto in April. If you'd like to take part, please mail us to sign up.